Frequent compound guest and pal of Anthony, is allegedly a cross-dresser.

21  2018-06-24 by frunkiz482

Let's just call him.. Nick the Navy guy.



Mike the Marine

Nick the Navy Guy... as if we ever gave a fuck about integrity or seeking out confirmation.

If Mike the Marine is a cross-dresser, he might as well move into the McMansion, because that level of hypocrisy might make him a blood Cumia.

Mike the Marine


Hes Anthony's #2 ballwasher tied with Linda Miller.

Alan the Army Man

Joe the cook

"Just give me a name. That's all I need..."

Everyone post about this and make it fact. For the fragile little stolen valor faggot I picture it making him hoppin' mad.

I thought Danny Ross was the cross-dresser?

you're confused, he's a cross drescher, an angry jew

He also has a midget fetish and stuck his dick in that disgusting "Linz Bella" whore.

Stop trying to get us on his side.

She’s real gross. Haha

So there's this guy, Danny Ross, Sue Lightning and Bailey Jay dressing as women at Anthony's house.

Am I crazy or is that a lot of crossdressing?

tss cross dressin like decoratin a crucifix or sumptin


Admiral Orbani should be informed of this.

Ah. DiPaolo then?