Jim take note: this is how you properly execute an improvised costumed character who doesn’t rely on the same three jokes

61  2018-06-24 by juanwayne


Nothing is funnier than Jiminy Glick slithering around in his chair to get more comfortable

Oof, is it?

Get out.

You found that entertaining? Fucking awful


I agree with you, I don't get the joke. She's in on it too... of course she knows who he is. This sucks.

Fucking loved Jiminy Glick growing up

I hated it growing up. Had this notion that Martin Short was an unfunny fag. Can’t get enough now. Martin Short is underrated.

He was really good in Arrested Development

I love that character. SHOOT ME!

"To the nuts!"

Nearly every line of dialogue from him that episode was great. "He’s half deaf. It was a stupid, stupid hire."

(goat laugh) you don't think she was married to Richard Dreyfuss

Martin short is fucking underrated

He's like Billy crystal with talent.

This is really fucking funny.

Jiminy Glick was so good. Great inteviewees included Jerry Seinfeld, Steve Martin, Mel Brooks, David Duchovny, Ben Stiller, David Spade, Steven Spielberg, Edie Falco. If I recall correctly, even Alec Baldwin and Ellen DeGeneres were pretty decent.

List a few more please

Larry milluhhh.

What's some of them other celebrities we got?

I’ll of those celebrities would gladly be interviewed by Norton, until they realize that it isn’t with Edward Norton.

Loved the Tom Hanks one.

He made most laugh, and if they wouldn’t break he would press harder and be more and more ridiculous until they did.

I think this one is pretty great https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ICcZClQdz6Q

Easily the funniest thing to come from Comedy Central.

UCB and Strangers with Candy were incredible shows.

Not to get all Doug Benson WEED MAN 420, but fuck those 2 shows came out at the perfect time for me when i was in high school and wanted to watch everyting ON WEEEEEED DUDE!!!!! cuz it made everything 100x funnier to watch, especially fucked up weird ass shows like those. Those, Adult Swim and Conan skits (his show was still funny during those years) was the shit in those days.

Yeah, Conan used to be really good, or at least O remember it being good. His was the only late night show I found tolerabe.

Definitely. People hate on UCB and improv on here, but so many people in comedic roles went through there. Matt Besser as a special kid with a huge dong is fantastic.

Tbf, people associate UCB with leftist fags nowadays, cuz that's what they are. Nobody thinks about the show when people mention UCB any more.

For sure, the classes / website / etc. all are a whole different thing, even though Besser / Walsh and the others still are involved here and there. Part of the issue is that I don't think it's out on DVD, or at least it wasn't for a very long time, when it mattered.

They time they pranked Al Roker on The Today Show with Little Donny was fucking classic. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6copjBtRHts

HOLY SHIT lol. I forgot they also did a lot of pranks. Matt Besser was listing off some of the pranks they did on his podcast, and you definitely couldn't get away with them now. During of one of their shows they made it like someone got upset and then everyone and the audience went outside while the performer got up on the roof for a long ass time and pretended like he was depressed and going to jump off.

I loved the prank elements of their sketch show, Besser was definitely the king when it came to that shit. He even had a prank style demate show on Comedy Central for a while called Crossballs, I think you can find most of the episodes on YouTube last I checked, he was just the best at fucking with people and getting pissed off. Besser and other comedians would play characters that would debate real people who had no idea they were on a fake debate show on Comedy Central, I particularly remember the weed episode being hilarious with how mad their were getting the uptight anti-drug bitch.

Yes! Thanks for the link, he went into detail about the prank show on several of his podcasts and it was cracking me up.

Julia Louis-Dreyfus was so fuckable. I hate Jiminy Glick. Chip is Cable Access level fun with a bunch of nobodies.

god that fucking entitled bitch and that's weird that she dated that guy and took the cringe jokes from her friends.

Fantastic show, one of comedy central's best. The movie was incomprehensible

If this makes you laugh, I don't even know what to say. This is the kind of shit you would expect to see on one of the Spanish channels with a spic "jajajaja" laugh track.

I didnt realize how fucking hilarious this show was when it first aired until I saw a bunch of the interview segments again years later... holy shit, Martin Short is a fucking genius as this character. Dude was great the more i revisit his old shit... SCTV, Clifford, his sweaty chain-smoking SNL character, dude was fucking out there!

This thread is actually the first time revisiting it after initially hating it for me. I'm kind of shocked. This is fucking great and I guess I have some new-old material to sift through.

Between two ferns did it better

Chip is better


Whomever doesn’t love the Marty Shorts is a retarded faggot. From SCTV to Innerspace, he’s funny money in the bank.

All the things that make Martin Short great are the exact qualities Jim Norton lack. Hat's off worm, you're a piece of shit.

Him bashing Michael Mckean was always great, Clifford is the shit too.

Chip doesn’t have any mainstream appeal. Just like Jim Morton

This is funny shit.

She is fucking gorgeous.

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Little Donny Aid +2 - Definitely. People hate on UCB and improv on here, but so many people in comedic roles went through there. Matt Besser as a special kid with a huge dong is fantastic.
Jiminy Glick Interviews Dennis Miller +2 - Dennis Miller interview is good
Jiminy Glick Interviews Jeff Goldblum +1 - This one is pretty great too
NBC Al Roker Blooper by Upright Citizens Brigade - HootyHaHa's Flashbacks +1 - They time they pranked Al Roker on The Today Show with Little Donny was fucking classic. HAHAHA Roker couldn't walk away fast enough once he saw that huge cock

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