Your Favorite Scumbag Confessions?

19  2018-06-24 by RoundImage4

Couldn't quickly find a clip. They talked about 9/11 and how somebody must have felt relieved that difficult people went out of their lives with the towers falling.

A caller talked about his sister-in-law. He had fucked and impregnated her. She wouldn't agree to have an abortion. After she died in the towers, he took the news, as he put it: "with a crying and a laughing eye". Probably my favorite on air scumbag confessional.


Opie took the calls, they were all lies. Do you really think 'trucker bob' or whoever the fuck actually just ran off the road because he was laughing too much while driving?

The calls were the most hack part of their morning zoo, its just desperate fucks trying to get on air to have one exciting thing happen in their boring as fuck lives and live for years on the moment telling their friends and anyone else they meet. There is a reason why you never hear callers on Nopie shows, and if they do its only to make fun of them for never having any substance.

You must have never heard Snowy on the phone.


You were right to take these statements literal. Probably weren't even real truckers.

Real trucker here I nearly drove off the road trying to comment because i was laughing too hard.

You didn't like Opie's mono-layer commentary on whatever football game took place with his and the caller's home-team? You didn't like that it added a wasted minute of air every time?

Thank you for your service

Roundimage4 is a rube; this 9/11 story is Opie-tier lie; as were almost all the callers' stories

The lady who called in to sell things she’d looted during Hurricane Katrina. She was so proud of her husband for doing it.

That one is hard to top (but not hard to topple, am.I right gang? Oh..., tower fallin yuma)

How in the fuck do you think that 9/11 story is actually true?

Anthony tweeted that Danny's father confirmed it on Facebook.

Then it’s true. I apologise, my dear Dovid.

My name is Efrayim.

One from a friend of mine actually.

When we were students we were out in a bar one night. He hooked up with a slightly older woman (probably late 20s) who he spent all his money buying drinks for. She wasn't much of a looker and was kind of overweight but she had massive tits and my mate was all over her.

So he went back to the pig's place and me and my other friend went back to the shitty apartment that the 3 of us shared to play FIFA. We ended up staying up till the morning, smoking weed and playing endless rematches like the couple of dorks we were.

About 6 am, we hear a cab pull up outside and our friend saunters in with a bag of Mcdonald's eating a sausage mcmuffin. He was always broke and we'd seen him spend all the money he had getting Miss Piggy drunk enough to let him stick his prick in her so, naturally, we had questions.

The scumbag had banged her a couple of times, including once up her shitter (and had the crappy Nokia phone video to prove it) and, once she'd fallen asleep, he decided he wanted to sleep in his own bed but didn't fancy taking 3 different buses half way across London. So he went in her purse and stole £40. On his cab ride home he decided he was peckish so had the driver make a pit stop at the mickey d's drive thru near our place and, in a sheerly magnanimous act, even treated the driver to a cappuccino.

This guy is now, perhaps not surprisingly, a pretty successful corporate lawyer.


What the fuck is the point of your story?

No, 40 pounds.

You're a bright one, aren't you.

No, 40 pounds.

You're a bright one, aren't you.

Can someone translate this guys point for me

You understand that theft is frowned upon as a concept and that the amount is beside the point?

A chick I impregnated got raped a few weeks later and miscarried