Reminder- Somehow Opie and Sam are the least gay characters in this whole fiasco

0  2018-06-24 by TheRealHuskies

I don't think that either, despite being a duo limp-wristed pussies who watch reality tv all day, don't care for sports, have feminine past times, are the only two regulars in the O n A hierarchy who seem to be genuinely only attracted to women save E-Rock, Travis, and maybe Troy, despite the latter being a metrosexual diva.


Danny never did anything gay!

Troy is a faggot

Yea, but I don't think he's actually gay, just a perpetual man-child who was blessed with youthful looks so can getaway with being forever 21.

Nah Sam Rogers is as much of a fag as anyone. He spent 15 minutes of air time a few days ago trying to convince jim and Troy that Jamie Fox had a huge Dick. He couldn't stop talking about it no matter how many times Jim tried to change the topic. You can imagine that mongrel salivating thinking about it.

They’re both just as big of faggots just in their own way