Years before O.J. Simpson’s lawyer emasculated Anthony, the man himself asserted his dominance over Pops Cumia

66  2018-06-24 by SpudsCuckley


“Little cunt won’t even look at me”

Joe Sr. went country strictly for the cowboy hats. They gave his diminutive stature a few extra inches and covered the trademark Cumia bald dome.

He’s dressed like a Richard Petty.

Richard "Heavy" Petting

Plot twist: Maybe OJ is Anthony's real father, and that's why he was obsessed with him and blacks?!😳

Would certainly explain the afro.

So his sister is that one Kardashian.

Strong grip of the liars paw.

If I had known these fruity cultists would get so fucking butthurt over being called out for what they where. I would have made myself clearer.

all because they are in a boys club does not count off all of their carreer due to nepotism. Maybe opie and sam but in general the comics have to make a quirky act. the personalities have to craft a guy you would want to have a beer with persona.

It does not invalidate them as performers being in the secret society it invalidates us the fans who are literally called pests.

When you think of the purpose of the opie and anthony show. It was to have a controlled opposition faction set up in the changing mediums. Satilite radio to viral videos. The visual element opies eye. But I am the monster. I am the bad guy?

What the fuck are you babbling about?

I was talking about the handshake.Anthony's dad was doing funny handshakes on the dude ranch.

They assume that any sort of talking about their involvement in the secret societies is something that should be ridiculed. It sucks that people have not realized how real this is. But this is very real. And they think that conspiracy theorists of this nature are victim complexed. That is why i explained why that is invalid. It doesn not necessarily invalidate their little craft. They had to put on the dress and dance like a coon. Baby boy had to suck dick to be able to play chippah.

It invalidates us the filthy masses the pests. Thats why anthony fights with people on twitter his argument is that he is talking in line with the bar's politics so anyone who disagrees is a profane nothing little ikea cookie furniture people. Thats why we are obscurity. We don't talk funny and do boys club handshakes with niggers at the dude ranch. Obscurity is not where they are. Oh no they are illuminated. If this sub did not exist then they could garner new fans who do not understand how these people have been fake feuding.

You turned me around on the whole thing. Is there a newsletter to which I can subscribe?

I compartmentalize what I do so because of that I can not associate something like that. A little of Q-anon. A little of my own crazyness. Follow the white rabbit.

Here is some things to get you to see this stuff on your own. Which is my goal to make everyone have to notice when these people signal their secret lives. For that can truly be used to see what this show and this oauniverse really was and is all about.


The Brotherhood of the Bell 1970

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Description: A TV movie portraying how the Masonic brotherhood operates in society. This movie was never released on DVD or VHS.

MrStoneycool69, Published on Aug 25, 2017

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Jesus don't ask

this nigger smokes wet.

It’s good to keep at least one or two of these guys around here to make our autism seem quaint by comparison.

He does sound completely unhinged and almost certainly literally lives in his parents' basement, but that does look a lot like a Masonic handshake called the Lion's paw.

I like this bit

I almost read that till I saw the username.

Tony Clifton. "I'd Like to Use the Phone!!!

That was after the trial.

The Chad Empathyless Psychopath vs. The Virgin Deadbeat Dad

An italian in a cowboy hat is never not hilarious. self hating n-word.

Spaghetti cowboy

Spaghetti westerner. Ants Dad was a child just like his pissy eyed son

That was actually the juice transferring the parody song that would start the 0nA Universe. It is all Nordbergs fault.

Nice shirt ruffles, stupid.

Joe Cumia Sr. looks like a Mexican elected official who received bribes from the Cartel. He would later be found beheaded on the side of dirt road

Wrong! He was busy oggling the sweet piece add with the Wolli Pop

Cowboy hat and shades just makes him look like an old cartel member.