Explosive Beefers

13  2018-06-24 by AnnJilliansBrassiere


the world is about to get a whole bunch of new porn whores.

Yeah die your hair blonde and become a Westerner you Persian. It's working out great for us.

Welcome to incurable depression and sterility. It's the West's ultimate gift to Haji. UrWulcom

Did you just reply to yourself?

Yes I did!

Did you forget to switch accounts?

Shiites don't really explode actually. Also, you're a racis!

looks good to me.

Persians can be pretty hot

I met some real QT Iranians & Syrians at uni; but anything east of Pakistan is where I draw the line.

Fuck theocratical Islam for covering their women up like a bunch of faggots

Thats why they cover them up. Some of them are smoking hot and they dont want anyone else to fuck them. , and some of them are hideous kumal nanjiani looking bitches, so they cover them up for common decency

I mostly agree but honestly a part of me is in favor of keeping women in hijabs just to spite reddit.

Seeing these faggots go "You go girl! XD" makes my stomach turn.

It’s so bizarre.

I wish she had lifted that skirt higher and shown her Persian rug.

Oh you mean her pussy hair?

fun fact: Muslims are required to remove their pubic hair from the time it grows (age 10-12 for girls) until they become to infirm to do it on their own, at that point they're allowed to have a trusted female relative to do it for them.

This is creepy as fuck. Liberate all the Arabic QTs; carpet bomb the rest of it

Makes sense considering how hairy arabs are. Probably quickly turns into a tanged mess of pubic hair that looks like dreadlocks from the urine and blood that gets caught in it and twists the hair into stringy clumps.

She must be a great fuck

If you went down on her on the first night and sucked that Persian clit like an animal she'd probably fall in love with you; I doubt these women ever get a good fucking in their shithole countries where they aren't even allowed out at night

Kind of looks like Jessica Alba

She's Mexican.

That explains the three horizontal stripes on her face, shirt, and skirt.

Do Mexicans blow themselves up? I'm confused but dick sure isn't.

Every Iranian girl I know is sexy, their eyes are full of resignation. Babylonian pussy rules.

I’d like to take a look at her butthole

If you went down on her on the first night and sucked that Persian clit like an animal she'd probably fall in love with you; I doubt these women ever get a good fucking in their shithole countries where they aren't even allowed out at night