Anthony got rid of this because she wanted to go out too much.

68  2018-06-24 by RBuddCumia


They weight of that left ta ta is not helping her posture.

he got rid of her because she has a clit.

Sue's got a clit too, its just four and a half inches long and thick like Jimmy likes them

Hate clits. Can't even gag on them. 1/5

Likoleaky is looking good these days.

That hot cunt really dodged a bullet (and bitemarks)

Clean your desktop god damn.

He really always was the biggest loser.

Wew mama



Nice hairy coin slot

That does look like some good pussy.

She was probably way hotter with small tits

She's got cross eyed nipples

She's got cross eyed eyes

I like that. See those retard eyes looking up at you.

I have to agree, women that look stupid instantly give me a rod

He's gay.

Maybe even a queeb AND/OR a quay

.... Longshot-- Spanish

It just winked at me.

Probably wanted to spend more time with the trans.

That really Niccolini?

Have you ever been deceived on this sub, sir? This isn't like those other subreddits...


I'm so stupid I should be euthanized.

At the age of 24, Nicolini won the title of Miss Long Island 2002. When the contest organizers discovered that she had posed for Playboy (under the name "Jill Nikki" in their Fall 2001 College Girls Special Edition), they felt it was "immoral". Nicolini chose to relinquish her crown because she didn't want to represent a system that "didn't support and believe in her".

Nice shirt, stupid.

2001 College Girls Special Edition

Jill Nikki is listed on this issue FYI

I think I still have that in a Rubbermaid box in my parents attic.

There's nothing quite like the printed page.

Nasty nips, old, and shit the bed. I wouldn't by this bitch a McDBL.

Yea, because Anthony doesn't compulsively lie about anything or anybody to seem like he's the victim.

Oh hi Ant

If I was Ant I'd tell you to go back to obscurity and get your fuckin shinebox.

Same here, except I wouldn't get her a McDLT.

Rock tits and a leaky ass

Is this Jill?

Anthony's a fag, but she did leak liquid shit all over the bed.

Should have plugged it with his dick.

It's incredible to think how much has changed in his life since then. If Barack Obama isn't elected president, maybe he doesn't go insane and somehow manages to become a minor conservative celebrity who isn't banned by Fox.

Then again he's Long Island trash who smoked crack with his mom, so it was probably always gonna end up this way.

The butterfly effect of Nana Cumia.

FREEBASE! Crack is for niggers.

Nasty guinea broad with fake basketball tits. Sounds like a win for Nana and he doesn’t get many these days

I love trashy disasters.

i dunno why but it turns me on to see her vagina hole gasping for air.

What awful tits.

Those tits are awful. That said, at least she isnt a transvestite.

They're pretty bad...

This bitch got a lazy tittie y’all

I'm guessing her vagina grossed him out.

But she doesn’t have giant linebacker thighs, not even close to Rihanna’s perfect pear shape.

To old


I'm so stupid I should be euthanized.

I like that. See those retard eyes looking up at you.

If I was Ant I'd tell you to go back to obscurity and get your fuckin shinebox.