Jimmy two glasses

51  2018-06-23 by greygooser


Ron Bennington, 2 weeks prior to succumbing to symptoms of the AIDS virus.

Happy pride weekend, Jim!!

james morton is an amorphous blob that copies the speech patterns, mannerisms, and traits of people he meets

he's spent too much time around bon rennington

The second one is his backup in case Thor steals a pair.

Jimmy two T cells

Why the fuck is this picture so high definition?

Portrait mode

Was this taken with a phone camera?

Jim: (deep sigh) How ya doin' there, Fezzz?

Fez: Just...just a little locked up, Jimmy.

Jim: (inhale) Yeah, that's a tough one man. On one hand you wanna talk on your own show, but anxiety is a motherfucker dude. And then these scccuummmmbaggg fans just wanna talk shit like little baby boysssss.

Exactly the candor everyone was hoping for in a JIZ show.

Imagine being a welder or something and you show up every day and just sit there silently without welding, and your excuse is "I'm feeling locked up" and you never get fired, for some unfathomable reason.

And then your fans cheer you on for "screwing over" the company you work for, even though a) your welder job could be given to someone eager and capable, and b) in a fit of circular logic, those fans are angry at your company for making bad decisions, bad decisions like employing someone who does no work.

And then imagine in June 2018 a hero goes on the internet to denounce you and gets downvoted because he's courageous and handsome enough to recognize an untalented leeching queer when he sees one. Imagine all of this.

Fez being silent for months brought more content to Ron and Fez than Opie talking brought to Opie and Anthony in 10 years.

Guarantee he has those fucking maroon pants on.

Think his socks are pink from washing them at the same time?

He definitely has at least one pink sock.

what a whacky guy. i bet in real life hes got a dark and tortured soul.

Splits looked much younger back when he was in a relationship with that Alena girl from Norway. What happened?

why doesn't he try growing his hair out? he decided to shave it 20+ years ago to copy someone he thought was cool at the time, and here he is at 50 years old with a decent hairline and no signs of balding. there's 1000 other things about him that make no sense, but that's always confused me.

everyone looks like a dummy with half an inch of hair

Jimmy Two Jokes

(Aids and Chip)

Clearly transitioning

Is this his Grinder profile photo?

I'ma go blow a tranny, blow a tranny.

Godamn he's turning into Jeffrey Tambor

That expression is exactly how my dead gay uncle used to look.

All he wants is a monstrous, well hung foreign transsexual in their mid twenties to settle down with. You would think casting such a wide net and having looks like this it would be TOO easy.

He's looking more and more effeminate.

You can tell this is one of his trips to the mall with a female that wont fuck him, so he doubles down on the " We are just friends, its not like that". He has that " Can I at least watch?" look on his face.

Elton Jim.

"Hey Jimmy two glasses"

"Hey let me go suck the gay guys, the gay guys."

he looks like a single gay bookshop owner in the san fransisco area

Jimmy Lampanelli

Why do the frames on the ray bans just disappear?