What the fuck happened to Lisa Lampanelli?

117  2018-06-23 by -2017



This is the obvious answer. Her whole act was about banging.... Those people.

At least you think they're people....unlike some people.

Looks like a new Norton character.

limp dick lamanelli

She succumbed to the same Hollywood disease that Kathy Griffin got.

Ever since Joan Rivers was murdered these cunts have stayed in line

Is this something you believe or 100% joking? My dad actually thinks they killed her because she said Michelle Obama is definitely a man and I was skeptical as anyone would be. But after watching hours of high definition slow motion video of Ellen dancing with the former first “lady” and what appears to be a sizable man’s penis wiggling in her loose fitting pants I’ve come to the conclusion that Barrack Obama is a closeted homosexual.


No, my father never showered with or urinated on me. Just brainwashed me with his radical conservatism.


I know your probably joking, but for real, how many times can they claim it's just unfortunate lighting, or a weird fold of fabric? Seriously, that bish got a dick..

Not that there's ANYTHING wrong with that

If it is true, and she and Barrack came out and embraced it, they would be my favorite people of all time. It would blow the minds of so many retards, black people, and retarded niggers.

Closeted is one way to put it for a guy that spends $65000 of taxpayer money on 'pizza/hotdogs' for a White House party.

Surprises me Anthony hates the guy so much when they both pretend to be a different race and are pedophiles.

You put "hotdog", did you mean open-faced sausage sandwich? 🌭

I'm a bot bleep, bloop

Reddit really is for faggots

Die in a fire, bot.

Please explain. Context?

Basically Pizza and Hotdogs are pedophile terminology for Female and Male children respectively.

Here is a more recent email taken from The Podesta Email leaks back in 2016 (John Podesta was Hillary Clinton's campaign manager for the 2016 election) and they clearly detail the procurement of children ("11, 9, and almost 7") for 'entertainment' purposes.

These people are sick.

Are you trying to tell me every woman doesnt have a large black penis? Ive been using the wrong dating site.

Norton edged to that video for hours.

Bitch wears underwear with dickholes.

She looks like a Killer Klown from Outer Space

She reminds me of Jared Leto's Joker

Same effect on the career too

Great fucking movie.

Yeah, it really got snuffed at the Oscars.

If Black Panther gets any nominations next year then that will be the final straw. The first being Killer Klowns.

The pastel hair coloring combined with the spackle bucket makeup really is a bad look.

She catered to SJWs

Good Lord, years ago, I would've rolled around with her a few times, granted I totally forgot about it the next day. Looking at her now, I wouldn't Fuck her with a stolen dick.

How exactly would you steal somebody's dick? Think, man.

George Carlin once referred to a dildo as a 'Stolen Dick's once.

Thought it would've been known here, is all.

Spergs usually give literal responses to obvious hyperbole.

detachable penis

King Missile is the shit. Heaven and anywhere are the best songs. and pigs will fly is cool

fawk yeah

Why make a thread about Lisa Lampanelli and post a picture of Dee Schneider?

Snider, you fuck.

A Jew is a Jew.

From Dan Schneider to Dee Schneider

She looks like the singer from Mudvayne

Internal nigger lovers forever


She's morphing into Norton

Mudvayne lmao . What a shit band

Their bassist and drummer are talented, but yeah they have sucked for a long time.

L.D. 50 was awesome. Everything after that blew.

I love how, when someone mentions X shitty band sucks, there is always some comment defending how a terrible band actually was good at a certain point.

Mudvayne was horrendous and whoever decided that Dig should be a song people hear on the radio should be dunked in lava.

You're so edgy you should BE in mudvayne.

She got the disease of still being as ugly as she's always been.


No, what I said.


I pardon you.

Misplaced sense of zeitgeist.

She learned about the Clinton Foundation child sex trafficking ring so she skinnied up to better define her ugliness.

Did she make the leap from black cocks to slammin box or is she just trying to be wacky/edgy old lady?

Shape shifting jew

You can just say jew

Love her performance of Yondu Udonta in Guardians of the Galaxy

Check out her interview on the Carolla show. The whole "black guys love me" thing was an act. She's not even a lesbian, she's asexual.

Also, comedians are bonkers.

For true? Any more info? What episode of Carolla?


It's this episode. Looks like Podcast One has DMCA'd it off Youtube

It's not a great episode, but Lampanelli acts like a completely different person than she normally does:

  • Back in the day, she used to pretend like she was some kind of sex maniac for black cock. In this episode she talks about how she just lives on the road now, she's happy with it, not looking for a partner and hasn't had sex in years

  • She talks a little bit about the dude she was married to. But she seems disinterested, almost like it was something she was "trying out."

She really came off as an asexual loner. But that's fine, it kinda explains how she can do the job she does. IMHO, most women aren't cut out to be Road Warriors. (Source: I'm a road warrior, and 99% of the people I know that do this are dudes. I've met exactly one woman who tried it, she lasted six months and went back to working in an office.)

The black thing is easily explained.. she used to be fat.. as a fat white woman you have two options.. A. You can date a fat white guy. Or B. You can date an in shape afro American.

The rest of the world says Black. American SJWs at work.

Wow. Nice. Thanks a lot.

What’s it like being a “road warrior”?

It sucks. Kinda fun when you're 35 and single, not so fun when you're pushing 50 and your wife and kids are at home.

I think Motley Crue wrote a song about it lol.

If you're 30, give or take five years, it's fucking insane because you can basically collect pussy all over the world. Would recommend, A+


Do you wear spiked shoulder pads and shiznit?

Nah. But yah sistas does TSSSSS

What a rush

She was very badly raped, you see.

She hit some old gypsy bitch with her car.

You fellas are pulling my leg thats Dee Snider.

How would Dee Snider get into the Grammy Awards? Or Lisa Lampenellli for that matter.

She straight up looks like Maynard James Keenan.

She wants a part in Spirited Away 2

Jimjo from Banjo-Kazooie lookin’ ass.


Somehow losing all that weight caused her to lose her fucking mind too.

TFW you tryna connect with the younger cuck liberal fans

Feminism. Not even once.

Faggotry. Constantly.

Jim Norton Syndrome


Entitled faggotry.

She went to her stylist, handed over a box of Crest and said "This." while pointing to the illustrated toothbrush topped with the minty fresh curl of paste

Wow.Pink has let herself go.

She slimmed down and lost her act, because she couldn't make the same 'fat white chick fucks blacks' anymore.

But she didn't have the guts to chop off her tits. So she has to go the dyed hair feminist 'comedian' way now.

Lisa "I'm fat and proud to be fat because black guys love big women" Lampanelli discovered that society really doesn't like fat people. So she got lap band surgery to be healthy but in reality she wanted to be skinny and liked. Unfortunately an ugly fat woman doesn't magically get pretty so she ended up being an ugly skinny cunt that no one really likes.

Liberalism happened to her

Imagine the gooey rotten row of broken urinals underneath those fake choppers...

ball cancer

Fallout 3 Raider

Nahh. That bitch is from Nuka World

Looking like N ugly dyke is empowering, apparently.

Ya, what the hell, she used to be so hot.

The plague of feminism.

I used to date this chick a few years back and we started taking again and she showed up with her head shaved and armpit hair. She used to be so pretty. Feminism

Did ya?

Damn. Ya got me.

whoah you dated lisa lampanelli?

someone put this side by side with that skinny johnny depp picture. their faces are the same

Is that the blue meanie?

One of them, yes

wow she's funny!


That boy aint right.


She’s a white woman so she ages poorly and she also did that extreme diet weight loss shit that burns your fat and muscle so you end up think but also look like a recovering cancer patient. Combine those and you have her.

She turned into Frankie Grande

This is what I always imagined the Gorgons of classical yore looked like.

She figured out her shitty act of shock laughs was over and she's trying to reinvent herself, as an angry dyke.

You either have to lick her asshole or lick tranpas asshole. What do you choose?

She has some heavy hangers. And by hangers I'm referring to her earlobes

Shes a riot.

Bitch got abducted.

This is what happens when you hit middle-age but you haven’t figured out who the fuck you are.

She got her first taste of tear-filled muff pie.

What the fuck pronoun do you use on this thing? Jesus fucking dykes.

Looks like Jared Leto's Joker.


Patrice used to keep her in check. Without him she's just lost, waiting to die.

Black guys.

A guillermo del toro workshop creation


oooo I learned a new word, thnx :)

it's literally burned into my psyche everytime i see a pink hair.


It looks like a clown took a shit on a tranny.

no one has mentioned her eyes looking in two completely different directions and it is very unsettling.

She needs attention.

She doesnt even look like a passable human. She looks like a retarded alien who failed to shapeshift.

Looks like a Smurf took a shit on her head

She fell head first into the toilet on the areoplane.


The black thing is easily explained.. she used to be fat.. as a fat white woman you have two options.. A. You can date a fat white guy. Or B. You can date an in shape afro American.

Entitled faggotry.

Wow. Nice. Thanks a lot.

What’s it like being a “road warrior”?