Lisa Lampanelli tells audience off, throws mic and leaves the stage

70  2018-06-23 by BoboOrbani55


That dude is going through menopause

She's a lovely gal, sir.

"She's one of those angry Cunts, who's Fucking awful"

Sounds like vintage Jimmy right there.

What a line.

Cool, welcome to last weekends news faggot

You know, a kind word takes just as much effort as a mean swipe. Maybe think about that next time you try to hurt someone's feelings online.

Shut up, faggot


I think this might be another outburst from her. It's the only way she gets in the news.

You're really trying to give him the business over not being up on the latest Lisa lampanelli news?

56 years young

None of these are set up in advance. Never.

Whoever did the lighting didn't do a great job...

I don't know who did the lighting, but I know who did the Lightning.


So Sue me!

It could be argued that it was a great job though because you can't see what she looks like.

Did she roll her Art Cart away with her??

I give them credit; whoever was working it followed her all the way as she walked off stage. Total pro all the way.

She’s lovely.

I wish this hissy fit was interrupted by the bullet of a sniper rifle.

"Get back to the funny"


I don't know, seems like a fun night of comedy

I've never heard someone this mad at a corporate luncheon.

so brave

She’d be better off throwing herself in a dumpster. Awful cunt.

Preferably a dumpster on fire

Nice meltdown stupid

Nice empty theater, stupid.

sighs loudly into the mic Man that's a tough one. On the one hand Lisa let it get to her and I know her and know she's better than that but on the other hand you have an audience full of civilians who don't understand what we comedians go through. They think because they pay to see us they're part of comedy and we owe them something. sighs again But really I think Lisa will be okay, she just overreacted to nothing and as comedians we have to have thick skins and take what's dished out. One last loud sigh Where's that fucking intern! I told them I wanted blueberries that were freshly picked and flown in this morning! Tell that scccummmmmmbaggg that these are fucking store packaged berries picked god knows when! And he gave me a plastic spoon when I said I wanted a metal one!

I bailed on this comment at the same speed I bail on a J&S clip.

As you should.

You're a good man! Swing by later and i'll tickle your balls!

Funniest thing she's done.

Women are hilarious. Get over it!

Old menopausal bitch.

Her third to last show in her career? What are we going to do without Lisa Lampanelli comedy?

Reminds me of my first grade teacher.

Hopefully she’s setting up for suicide

Artie's Lampagnelli impression is still the best. "Ya filthy heeb!"

Poor fella

Jim Norton defended this.

“I dunno, it’s tough, man.”



You may not like it, but this is what peak comedy looks like.

What a fucking stupid entitled cunt..

Aren't seasoned comics supposed to be above this?

Yech.. she's a poseur mess... always has been.

Y'know, she's got a point:

1) why the fuck are the lights like that? Comedy is better in the dark

2) At a club like Helium, the bouncers will pounce your ass in a second if you start to fuck with the comedians. Where the fuck is security in this video?

Where the fuck is security in this video?

Entering the morning's attendance totals, probably.

"Crazy lady invades grade school talent show." -From the Youtube comments.

"3rd to last show of her career" "ive been doing this 30 years"

And yet, this is how it ends for her after all that time? a high-school gym in the middle of fucking nowhere?

Wow she was horrible. What an miserable cunt. She dyes her hair SJW blue and turns horrible. Go figure. I’m glad she left. Fuck her.

Glad I hedged my "artistic dreams" with a computer science and math degree... otherwise that would probably be me at 56.


It's like a model going off on the greys on chaturbate.

A couple years ago one of my good friends told me he was going to see Lisa lampinelli and he was excited about it. I haven’t talked to him since.

hey, have you guys heard that she fucks black guys?

Black guys are lined up like she's selling Madden 2007 out of her pussy

She sounds like a mean middle school teacher

Shes on the heroin. I can tell by her vocal cords, that scratchy sound, that's what you sound like when you yell on opiates.

ME: I-I-I-I've faaaawkin' huurrrd dose screams. I-I hurrrd dose screams before. sniff

Yeah I've done heroin many times, snorted it. It's fucking fantastic. Haven't done it in about 4 years though. Never really had an addiction issue with it, but I had a lot of fun and recorded some awesome music on it. I highly recommend it to anyone, kids and adults! Just try it once, you'll be fine!

ME: The Opster did some cock! I-I-I-I just forgot what it smelled like!

Diversity is our greatest strength. Female comics are every bit as funny as men.

Listen 👏 to 👏 what 👏 female 👏 comics 👏 are 👏 saying 👏 white 👏 men.

More like Lisa Lampiyelling amirite?!

Why was Lisa Lampanelli performing in a grade school auditorium?

Bitch looks like a stretched out piece of taffy.

Lampenelli, 56, also cited menopause and sexism as underlying causes of the incident and noted that if it ever happens again, she promises to switch up her obscenities. ("Honestly, I do know more words than the F-word," she said.)

But she won't be silenced.

"Nowadays, more and more people are telling women to shut up," she noted in her follow-up interview "So guess who's going to have a bigger mouth than ever? Lisa Lampanelli."
