After watching this Tunisia vs Belgium game I think Ant looks too African to be Tunsian

61  2018-06-23 by Wolosocu

A lot of these guys look pretty white.


He comes from Ethiopia so he's both African and Jewish.

Pure 100 iq.

He's more Libyan, of the Tuareg kind.

That was a great match

I've got 200 quid on Belgium winning the whole thing at 8/1. Don't know why more people aren't talking about them as realistic potential winners. They've got devastating attacking options and seem to have a very good team spirit. All the usual suspects seem to be off their best this year as well, unless Brazil return to their qualification form.

I have watched every match so far and they are easily the most impressive team. Even if Lukaku rests, Batshuayi can step in real nicely.

Good luck getting fucked by a country that actually performs

Like who? Have you been watching this world cup?

Croatia look very good but that's it. Brazil are the strongest on paper but look disjointed, Argentina won't make it out of the group stage, France look good going forward but suspect at the back. Ditto Spain and Portugal. Germany are always a strong tournament team but I don't think they'll do it again. England? I wish but seriously doubt it.

"great team spirit"?

got no idea where you got that from? that's like their biggest problem, they've always got splits in their camp between the dutch and french sides.

and to be honest, even though they were impressive today, I don't see them having the spirit this time either. did you see the video of de bruyne in training the other day conpletely taking out januzaj, didn't look like a good camp to me

I mean on the pitch, where it counts. Top sides are always filled with egos, training ground bust ups are par for the course.

De Bruyne has publicly slated Martinez and his tactics but he's (de Bruyne) never really replicated his club form at international level, so it could just be frustration on his part. Who knows.

They have arguably the strongest squad in the tournament, all I'd worry if I was a Belgium fan is a) Hazard and Lukaku getting injured and b) Martinez's apparent lack of a back-up plan. His 3-4-2-1 set up covers their lack of quality full backs but they could get overrun in midfield against stronger teams. We'll see.

Didn't fancy Germany in qualification but they just showed why they're always a safe bet in a tournament. Cohesive, ruthless and play to the whistle. Cunts.

it's true, they have a ridiculous squad

and even today, just with lukaku and hazard playing so well, let alone de bruyne, they looked so much more dangerous against tunisia than we did

Yeah but to be fair, Anthony's home land went for it a lot more against the Belgians and consequently left themselves a lot more open. They played most of the match against us with 10 men behind the ball.

Nice odds, stupid.

Stuck it on this morning and they're 15/2 now. Know they were 10/1 before the tournament started but it's just a flutter.

Easy win mate. Its gotta be them or the french

What a good score

Slow down, you're going 4

Colin said he looks like a back alley Tunisian knife fighter

Really? Is there a clip of this? You should share it with the sub.

In the form of a post. The sub must be made aware of this comedic brilliance.

He's simply Arab. Tunisians are white.

Tunisians are white.

Let's not get carried away.

There is no such thing as a white African. Only lost Europeans.

When this group stage nonsense is over i wanna start a World Cup thread. What are your thoughts on the games so far? Both my teams are eliminated :( Interesting to see if argentina can sneak through.

How about no? Spic.


mexico's still in their mate

PerĂº :(

I was thinking the same.

Many Tunisians are in fact white.

You understand that Tunisia is in North Africa, which is part of the middle east.

Desert, not jungle. Colin calls Anthony a back alley Tunsian knife fighter

it's true, they have a ridiculous squad

and even today, just with lukaku and hazard playing so well, let alone de bruyne, they looked so much more dangerous against tunisia than we did

Yeah but to be fair, Anthony's home land went for it a lot more against the Belgians and consequently left themselves a lot more open. They played most of the match against us with 10 men behind the ball.