Do you shave your asshole?

12  2018-06-23 by redtheftauto

I've mentioned doing this to friends and they think I'm a fag. That is partly true but shaving your asshole makes it easier to wipe as well as makes your dick hard when you graze your nice smooth hole.

I am eager to hear all of your pros and cons to shaving your anus. Thanks in advance


No joke I've been ripping my asshole hairs out since junior year of high school. 10 year later, it doesn't hurt at all, and it keeps my shits nice and clean

What do you do with the hair?

You're a collector I take it?

I find a lot of ass hair in my every day life.

I gotta try this method

Nothing worse than accidentally pulling anus hairs out when wiping, so shave away my nigga

Wasn't asking permission, mom. If you wait long enough there's nothing stopping your ass hair from forming a disgusting shit dreadlock (shitlock). And that sounds unsanitary

If you wait long enough and never bathe, which in that case you deserve a shit dreadlock for being such a slob.

Don’t talk to your mother that way.

Get a dedicated trimmer for that area and keep it low, shaving with a razor down there is bad news.

Use a trimmer, but make sure you mark which trimmer you're using for what. I made the mistake and smelled ass and balls under my nose for about 2 weeks, all the while trying to figure out if it was due to my nose trimmer.

2 weeks

You must have had your nose in ass a and balls for 13 days because ain't no way a hair trimmer is stinking you up that long.

That shits too uncomfortable to keep. But I shave the tops of my feet cuz I don’t like how it feels with socks so I’m probably just a little bitch

I shaved my ass so my girlfriend would lick it. It worked.

Same here. I shaved my ass and my girl went straight for my asshole while she blow me but I'm not a fan of getting my asshole licked. It also made me realize that it probably wasn't the first time she's done that, fucking whore

I dubbed my girlfriend 'butthole breath' and it shamed her from doing it again

No, but ive used a trimmer on my ass cheeks if I knew I was gonna get laid by a chick I was trying to impress. Now I just don't care.

I used to be in really good shape and I'd go in for a nice waxing every two weeks. Balls, asshole, everything. The lady would hold my dick with two fingers like it was the worst thing in the world.

Of course I'm a mess now and my ass is a jungle. I can't tell if wiping is worse because of the hair or because of the alcoholism.


Doesn't it itch when it grows back?

Am I the only one who still thinks a man grooming his asshole and enjoying getting it tongued and fingered is gay as fuck?

That's ignorant

Juice isnt worth the squeeze brothaman

I shave my asshole for myself not some bitch

My man

It is certainly the behavior of a woman.

those wilds have remained untamed since the day they sprouted

Of course I do, I’m not a third world animal trying to play with asshole pubes everyday

I wish I had the guts. I hate my harry hole

It's not as dangerous as you think, just a little time consuming. Just spread your ass apart in the shower and use a normal disposable razor. Just start from the center crack and shave out

About once a year in the summer. Thought some baby powder in there right after it feels fucking amazing!

Sure, gotta stay smooth. Got any tips for muffling farts without ass hair?

I have no secret tips. Your farts will be distinctly different and everyone will know

I used to catch my ex gf spreading her cheeks with her thumb and index finger when she had to fart. It does silence them.


Im honestly not sure if all the guys saying yes are trolling or all u niggas is just gay

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All of my posts are of similar quality. That being super fucking high.

My ass pictures were removed months ago. Next time the anus is shaved be prepared for more pics, just a HEADS up

Only when i'm seeing a girl cause getting rimmed is one of life's delicacies

It makes wiping easier/feels nicer but is too much work to do regularly when no gf; keep it at respectable length unless you know you are gna get a girl to lick your brown

I use a razor and do everything including the balls; do it in a hot shower with steam or a hot bath and keep re-applying shaving cream/lubricating the brown/balls because you need it more (lubrication) down there than for your face

Squatting also works; shave ass is easy; but as Patrice once said: "shave ball is a motherfucker"

I have no secret tips. Your farts will be distinctly different and everyone will know

I used to catch my ex gf spreading her cheeks with her thumb and index finger when she had to fart. It does silence them.