Dave "The Male Kelsey Cook" Neal attempts to prove his locking the fridge with his keys joke was a real event, in the most comedic way possible.

13  2018-06-22 by TheMidnight_Rider


This man is incorrigible!

I bet this guy has a hard time 'adulting' some days, but thank god for 'beer o'clock' 'pizza for breakfast!!', kill yourself you bland zero.


stop promoting your twitter here you zilch

Haha, what exactly to you imagine would be gained by "promoting" my trolling account? Besides annoying unfunny comics?

Why does this guy look like Todd Howardโ€™s creepy brother?

At least Todd Howard is likeable, a liar sure but still.

"Most people that are mean online are usually just reaching out for some help. I see I won't be able to connect with ya, but I hope you find some happiness." Fuck this passive aggressive cunt

Being passive aggressive is all he has since he has no humor to fall back on.

Heโ€™s a typical redditor.

I love that no matter how loosely tangential to O&A something is, there's still troll accounts like Tranthony Cumia and Nana Cumia annoying people.

Who the fuck has a fridge with a lock?

Nothing about his lie makes any sense, especially the fact that he thought it was a humorous anecdote.

Don;t you get it, the lil' fella was so petered out he tried to unlock his fridge? He's clearly such a hard working individual that he is in a zombie state outside of his 4 hours a day on twitter!

Dave Landau.

Well done. Though when you asked if he had a lot of unsold tickets for his show he did reply "no," so you gotta give him that. Apparently he doesn't have a bunch of left over tickets at his show, so you gotta give him a little speazles on the can.

i like this target youve hitched your harassment wagon to. seems like a real faggot and his cuckish explaination to an unfunny joke to his own profile picture is pretty funny

Take a closer look at the eyes on my version of his photo, I accentuated their ratlike closeness a bit. I hope he's so puzzled by the whole thing haha

I think its kinda funnier that you cant tell the difference and it just looks like youre sending him his own picture to make fun of him lol

Bethesda guy has actually accomplished something in his life.

At least Todd Howard is likeable, a liar sure but still.