I'm going to poke you where the shit comes out, while wearing a hat made of marmalade, you silly goose!

51  2018-06-22 by l0v3s2sp00ge


what happened to the sidebar photoshop of Jim on the scooter?

I miss this guy..... the new one is shit

Picture taken shortly after wolfing down a cheeseburger and cum.

What a bag a shit

Who knew Jimmy's funny was stored in his pelican neck.

Line of the day right there I'm calling it now

Baby boy!

For a such a pussy edgelord teetotaller our guy knows how to party.

Something something Sabbath, Shotgun

Something something, funkin' stinks!

You don't like something something?

I hated how the word 'Stinks' became a casual part of the OnA vernacular.

It was funnier when it was thrown out every now & then, at complete ramdom. But when it became the go-to word for anything that they didn't like (90% of what they talked about) it just lost its impact. Even Master Po adopted it.




Nice chain, Gayva Flav.

Too many pretzels for this fella.

Line of the day right there I'm calling it now