Have a question for the sub: Is crossing the border illegally a crime, or a misdemeanor?

3  2018-06-22 by TangerineReam

People on my facebook feed are claiming its the former, just so they can make more idiotic Holocaust comparisons to the recent border/ICE issue (I scroll past facebook feeds these days and just shadow-sub to pages I like, and I straight up don't watch the news anymore)....


The German government made being Jewish illegal. Anyone that makes the comparison is low IQ.

..or jewish

Did you mean the latter?

The only difference between a felony and a misdemeanor is the sentence that can be imposed. Or so I was told by a lawyer.

Did you ever ask if racists can enter contracts?

Didnt need to, a TV judge said its allowable.

Either way it's illegal. People must be punished when they break the law. This is basic, common sense shit.

Yeah mate, and you've never broken a law. If a cop smashed open your face for smoking a joint or going a few miles over the speed limit, you'd definitely have this attitude. Everything's black and white, bruthahman.

No one's talking about police brutality faggot, we're talking about the basic ways that law functions in the United States. Break the law -> Go to jail, or get deported if you're not a citizen. Children can understand this concept.

You emotional retards are ruining the world with your nonsense

It's a misdemeanor federal crime (illegal entry) but it gets progressively worse (becomes a felony) if you do it mutiple times or if you come back after being deported already.

It is possible, believe it or not, to acknowledge that crossing the border illegally is wrong, but still be pro-immigration. Don't the retarded zealots on Facebook and Twitter mislead you.

I agree, this does seem possible.

*People on my facebook feed are claiming its the LATTER

Sorry, thats what I meant. But I agree with you anyway.

Okay, should I take an employed racist guitar player’s word on the issues?

The only way to curb illegal immigration is to make legal immigration easier.

It’s also better for the economy. We get a new wage slave class and move everyone else up the ladder.

I agree. I would say that we are in desperate need of sweeping immigration reform.

> It’s also better for the economy.

Have you not spent two seconds actually thinking about this? What good is a 'good' economy if it does not benefit you or most of your fellow citizens? A higher supply of slave wage workers will only erode your purchasing power and your ability to negotiate decent wages for the skilled work you presumably already have--especially as technology begins to increasingly automate middle-class information economy jobs.

What you've got then is: more people on welfare; more population concentration in cities; less job security; shortage of housing; less ability to secure affordable housing; less skills to offer that a migrant does not possess or cannot learn quickly; and, social disorientation and the rationalisation of a privatised, disjointed country.

And I realise America is fairly parochial, but you do realise that a more liberal immigration policy can harm other countries, their economies and lead to increased global anxiety and conflict, which ultimately does and will effect you.

There's not going to be any moving up the ladder for everyone else. The trend has been and is economic inequality increasing; it's more like everyone else gets to swim in the same shit soup brewed by capricious patrons.

I’ve educated myself and am not worried about any migrant worker taking my place. A Doctor of Science from China maybe, but I can get a job over there as well.

All the jobs people are worried about losing are low skilled jobs mostly in agriculture, service and construction.

Misdemeanors *are* crimes, dummy.

Not to mention, crossing the border illegally... OPs a dumb son of a bitch

First entry is a misdemeanor, second entry is a felony. The big trouble causing difference is that previously they would let you out while you wait for your court date but now they hold you in federal prison while you wait. That creates the issue where you now have to account for all these kids who legally cant go to a federal lockup but also cant be held for more than 20 days by DHS.

Misdemeanors are crimes.

America caused the destabilization in Central America in the first place, so this is just standard of us starting shit in other countries and be shocked there's consequences.

Because the US recognises the right to asylum under the 1951 UN Refugee Convention, you can cross the border anyway you want - on foot, in a boat, stuffed into a fake seat in a car, whatever - and claim asylum, and the US is not allowed to punish you for it (Article 31 of the Convention). The Wikipedia article on it is here, and Rich Vos will be at the Albany Funny Bone 28th June to the 1st of July.

Also, it's made me irrationally angry that Mr 141 IQ has managed to misspell both "Florentine" and "White Wolf" in the same entry in his calendar.

Did you ever ask if racists can enter contracts?

Yeah mate, and you've never broken a law. If a cop smashed open your face for smoking a joint or going a few miles over the speed limit, you'd definitely have this attitude. Everything's black and white, bruthahman.