More Savage Than ...

9  2018-06-22 by NixingJoe


So it's a rip off of that terrible cards against humanity game? Did Schumer make this?

Ughhh i had to play that once and it made me realize i hate earth

See it's hilarious because it says raunchy things!!! The creators became complete cucks and removed cards later on because of SJW complaints.

You can use it to write Norton's next Netflix special.


I hate adult board games.

Maybe I'm just being a miserable fuck, but still.

You are, but we embrace you.

they meant "bill burr's wife"

These kind of games are for people without senses of humor.

Funny how all the marketers and the faggot clickbait videos still use "savage" which was popular slang for about 3 months, 2 years ago