"Family Values"

90  2018-06-22 by unclepaul84


Fuck me, I haven't thought about New Jersey 101.5 in years. Dennis and Judy suck cock.


It's the Anthony and Dani show!!!! HA HA HA!!

Hmmff. 1st time hearing him wail that was fucking bone-chilling.

I like how this blurry pic makes it look like someone finally photographed a fabled, ghoulish monster in their natural habitat....

They did.

It was creepy the way he kept moaning for his cat Beavis...."Beeeeeaaavvvvvv!!!!!"

Manson family values, if you replace induced devotion with regular cash infusion.

I wouldn't fuck this chick for free, let alone pay for it.

That's why you gay! You gay!!!

"There's bruises on my boobs, but, uhm you *won't * be lucky enough to see those."

Because none of us own a microscope! "LMFAO"

Thank god...

she said that?

sexy little whore

Maybe if she had showed them to us she could have gotten Anthony locked away for good.

Hey, she might not be a looker but she makes up for it with her great personality.

One of the things I've grown to hate most about Anthony is his stupid fucking living puppet posture.

He should have played a terrorist in Team America

I wish he'd played a terrorist in the bin Laden raid.

Be fair, it's hard to stand up straight when you have no backbone.

He often stands unnaturally ramrod straight, like a puppet with a rod up its ass


thats hilarious

Thats how i stood in photos for years till i realized i looked like a fag


Jimmy straighten you out?

getting my class pictures back from school straightened me out

it might have been the braces, spass posture, horrible smile (didnt know how to smile in a picture till I was 18, wasnt really focused on my outward appearance)

ok faggot

You also got out of the raping game?

till i realized i looked like a fag

You could have just as easily looked like a retarded person. They also stand very straight whenever a camera appears - see Bobo.

Or you could have also looked like a retarded faggot :)

lil column a lil column b

but hey what do I know

Trying to eek out a half inch more in order not to look like Joe Rogan.

It's an alcoholic's posture, 100%.

What about the fact that he lives in a mansion that's always a mess of wires, electronics, and Bud Lite cans everywhere while he's dressed like Malcolm in the Middle with a weapon?

He's white trash who never should've been given any money.

If he didn't luck into a radio gig he would be bald, living in a motel room drinking bud light and inviting $20 non passable tranny prostitutes over.

Someone put it perfectly, and I'm obviously going to butcher the shit out of it, but it went something like what you said, instead he'd be on a certain train every day going to a work site, drinking cheap 40's from a bag full of melting ice.

...and somehow he's still drinking cheap beer.

He’d also have a mouth full of rotting teeth

Blowjobs! Protein Slurpees!

His hands are way too big for his body.

When life gets hectic and you're distracted by other more dramatic goings on, you sometimes forget how profoundly unattractive Dani is.

She’s ugly, she has a shitty personality, and she can’t take a punch. Why bother dating a girl 40 years younger than you if it’s going to be one guys her age wouldn’t even bone?

He even wears 2 shirts and jeans lazing around the house getting drunk and beating on women.

Of course, he's Anthony 2-shirts. It even fits right into his constant Goodfella's references.

Tony Two Shirts has a better ring to it.

Tony Two Shirts preaching conservative Christian values.

Fucking nerve of those people beating up our women.

They're not people!!!

I remember seeing this and feeling a little down, seeing Anthony legitimately unhinged.

The Congolese Count strikes again

I find it really odd that with all the jokes about Danny and Anthony being gay for each other and shit, I haven't seen a single joke about how Dani's name is Dani and Dani sounds like Danny. Not one "He's so gay for Danny he had to fuck a 14 year old girl with the same name" Is it because it's too easy? Prob. Has it been made already and just super old by now and I'm late to the hot tub party? Also Prob. Punchin' out, boys. (Tss. More like punchin out girls or somthin tss. Double Guns!)

The man is institutionalized, show some respect.

TL:DR don't bother.


This is like a scene from the shining, except Ant is so much less sympathetic than Jack Torrance.

Reminds me of the end of Sleepaway Camp

Tony Two Shirts has a better ring to it.

Someone put it perfectly, and I'm obviously going to butcher the shit out of it, but it went something like what you said, instead he'd be on a certain train every day going to a work site, drinking cheap 40's from a bag full of melting ice.

...and somehow he's still drinking cheap beer.

He’d also have a mouth full of rotting teeth