Jim Norton & Sam Roberts - Ron Bennington - June 21, 2018 Thrusday - Full

0  2018-06-22 by mukangal


what a waste of good guests.

Even Ron Be'ngton won't make me listen.

This means Ronnie will most likely be on Ants show today. They always share guests.

Has he been on with Ant since the whole 'he lost his way thing?'

Last time he was on Colin Flaherty forgot to laugh.

I retract. Anthony doesn't do his show on Fridays.

Smart way for Ron to avoid going on Ants show.

By the way, does anyone else feel embarrassed for Anthony and the fact that his "Cumia Show" is still tied to the Artie and Anthony handle on Twitter?

Artie should sue him...

This is Thursday’s show

Well back to obscurity for this guy...

Its Friday. Ants done his 8 hours....

Jim and sam could both beat ron up. He's NOT a tough guy

I don't think Sam could even beat his dick. He'd be throwing punches with a open hand and stamping his feet