If O&A were characters in a fighting game, what abilities would you give them?

11  2018-06-22 by MawBTS1989

Anthony Cumia: a skilled knife fighter. At close range, he punches ribs and bites hands. When he charges up he can use his ultimate attack, Banishment to Obscurity.

Opie: has spammable ranged attacks involving thrown phones, poker chips, caddying equipment, and Fudgie Wudgie bars. Can chain up to sixteen "Hold ons" in a single combo. Sometimes he has to tap out though, so be ready for that.

Jim Norton: his dramatic stress sighs cause a windstorm to sweep across the stage. His iron grip has been strengthened by years of edging, and his boneless gelatinous body can absorb massive damage. Honestly though man, why even play videogames? You're wasting your life for an empty promise. Do you have a boyfriend, or no?


Brother joe can call in an artillery strike from samcro

Which is another senior citizen lobbing his colostomy bag

Being gay

Anthony: Drunken Boxer material arts style. Jim: Earth Worm Jim style from Clayfighter. Sam: Diddy Kong. Opie: Doesn’t matter but I will have Team Ninja do his model to get his tits right.

They would all be shoto scrub characters but minus the move sets.

You can physically connect with Bobo, but his health bar is unresponsive. You cannot damage Bobo, you can only ban him from the fight.

Nothing can beat Danny's "You hit me and I sue" block attack.

Opie has a free unlockable finishing move where he surrounds his opponent in a cereal tornado.

Anthony has many unlockable finishing moves available via micro transaction.

Jimmy has an unlockable finishing move available in real-time via monthly subscription that skewers his opponent on a perpetual fence.
Jimmy’s finisher is always available for free directly after the fight barring any technical difficulties

Anthony buys you breast implants so he and Norton are always target-locked on you and Opie's OUT-TITTED! finishing attack is enabled.

Jim, Ant, Sam and Opie all have the same finishing move- boring you to death.