Twitter means everything to Ant

45  2018-06-22 by Dennyislife


Anthony doesn't realize nobody knows what his new account is because he's not verified. He's ranted about Sam and Opie not following his new accounts a few times.

When he wakes up in the morning hungover do you think he's embarrassed by publicly admitting he deeply cares if people follow him on twitter?

You would think so, because you or I would be. But Nana is very old and, on top of that, she has wetbrain and nothing she does is ever wrong. So either she wakes up (hungover of course) and simply doesn't remember, or she thinks it's their fault for not following or heeding his demands.

He has no shame

I don’t know if you’ve gotten the message, but nothing embarrasses this man.

Why would Sum Robot follow someone he dismissively referred to as 'Old Man Cumia' at the end of Thursday's show? No-one respects you now, Tony, if they ever did to begin with.

he dismissively referred to as 'Old Man Cumia' at the end of Thursday's show?

Oh my God, that's horrible, why are you listening to them still?

In my defense, Bennington elevated it beyond the normal shitshow with his casual brilliance, and Normand and got roasted all the way thru due to his bitter envy of Doug Benson.

You're in obscurity when even Sam Roberts won't acknowledge you.

Why is Sam pretending to care about kids of illegals when he doesn't give a fuck about his own?

Why are you getting indignant about politics on a reddit post making fun of the washed up pedophile former of a long dead gay radio show.

I'm not indignant. I just think Sam is boring and full of shit.

He sounds like my niece, she’s 12.

Sorry nana I forgot to follow yet another account you’ve had to make

This is the same guy that yelled on the radio that he would block anyone on twitter if they followed someone he didn't like. You'd think a nigger rich guido would be having more fun on his off time, but you'd be mistaken .

Tweeting is apparently the only thing that gives his life meaning anymore. It means more to him than his reputation, his money, his mansion and his fancy possessions, and all the friends he's made in the last 25 years. I honestly believe that he could be reduced to living in some single-wide trailer in some swamp in Alabama and he would be absolutely fine just as long as he could still angrily correct blacks and liberals on twitter.

Because you're not his boss anymore and he doesn't have to pretend to like you anymore, faggot

Welcome to reality

why doesn't the bottom fall out where they can all stop pretending to like Sam Roberts? florentine saying that shit about their show felt liberating, like they can all stop pretending

When is Ant going to accept the fact that the only genuine respect and reverence he’s ever going to get is from is his ever dwindling fanbase of middle aged failures from Long Island and genetic mistakes like Bono and Big A?

Nobody actually likes you anymore, Anthony. Take the hint.

Oh Anthony.

Sam is a decent human being and knows Ant is a pedo. I've always thought he only tolerates him bc of Jim.

Well since the only people he sees are the same degenerate “yes-men” who play poker and drink his Bud Light in his basement on an almost daily basis he needs stimulating rants with others.

it is a dis, why deny it?

When Ant kills himself, every headline will read "Disgraced shock-jock takes own life". I guarantee it.