What the fuck is up with Bennington doing a show with his daughter?

18  2018-06-22 by ForceableEntry

Always respected the man, but that's some creepy shit. Why would you want to talk about pop culture with your own daughter all day? When sex comes up? Is this his way of reigning himself in and working clean? Is he even doing that? I'm fascinated to know what his angle is here but it's too boring to listen and observe.


These guys are all basically washed up and the second half of their careers isn't about good content. It seems like none of them give a shit about making good radio that fans enjoy. t's just all of them coasting and eitherr consciously or subconsciously using their radio gigs as a way of fulfilling their true passions or goals in life. Ron is clearly an excellent father and is helping his daughter. Jim is a worm and all about the paycheck. Opie is a lonely loser and this is his only path to having any semblance of friendships. And Anthony, well Anthony has a lot of dark shit going on psychologically but clearly he is a racist piece of shit and needs to publicly hate black people

Did the southern poverty law center put this sub on a list or something?

What's with all the nig and fag love around here?

People were just acting outraged at his racism initially, but now? I don't even know anymore.

the sub seemed to flip after colin flaherty and a lot of virtue signalers came out of the woodwork. some mod, not sure which one but others do, started to delete 'offensive' (read: too racist) stuff. it was never really the same since.

Opie is a lonely loser and this is his only path to having any semblance of friendships.

v true

All I know about Ron Bennington is, that he is, and I quote " Not as tough as he thinks."

I got that from a reputable source that I can't name publicly.

Fatso fake tough guy. Got downvoted to hell for saying that last year

He's also every bit as thin skinned as titty boy and ant.

Oh, well by all means please tell us everything except the interesting part.

Pretty sure hes just winding his career down. R&F is over, he probably knows he doesnt have a ton of years left and wants to spend time with his kid and put some money in her pocket

I'm pretty sure he's just trying to set her and Chris Stanley up to do a show together when he leaves. We know Sirius rewards way less talented people as long as the keep showing up.

If Gail renders the great Ron B. unlistenable I don’t like Stanley’s chances of salvaging their partnership.

I know it sucks. Sam having his own show and Stanley not having one is retarted. I mean I get it. Sam has worked "hard" like the worker bee he is. Stabbed the right people in the back and kissed ass when he had to. But he has zero tallent and isn't an interesting person in the least. Stanley is a complete mess but so much more entertaining and capable then that pamperd dummy.

He's also mentioned wanting to hang on to his healthcare plan at SXM for a while.

I think it went like this:

Gail: Hey dad, I want to be on your show now that Fez is gone.

Ron: I don’t think....

Gail: You Roofied me when I was a toddler!

Ron: Ok.

It seems like it’s boring to him too, so he went back to doing stand-up, which he’d previously described as an embarrassing profession.

Huskies, quick! Tell us Ron isn't tough!

That nigga in a cell.

I can’t wait for all the talk about the baby once she shits out the bastard

Back when I wanted to give the show a chance I remember one funny moment when Gail said something about being disappointed by or weirded out by a dick. It was something unconventional about a dick, and Ron started to say “I never wanted that for you” but kept laughing in the middle of the sentence because he realized how ridiculous this was to say to his lil girl. That might be the hardest I ever laughed at Bennington

Daddy Daughter radio!! Sounds compelling

That show is horrible. Long live Fez Marie, the Fainting Goat and the Midnight Rider.

It is actually amazing the dynamic they have when they mention explicit sex things. Religion really fucks you up but they seem to have an open and honest relationship.

Where have you been? They’ve been doing this for years...

His show is unlistenable because his daughter and the other female in the room sit there and laugh hysterically at everything he says. I tried to listen to the show about 10 times a year ago and never went back.

He has 2 women n now?

She stinks.