Opie Podcast Episode #15 - Play-By-Play Analysis

91  2018-06-22 by NateJay82

Episode #15 – The Big Apple BBQ: Part Two (Carl Ruiz, Nick Solares, & A Bunch of BBQ Rednecks). June 21 2018. Listening to every episode so you don’t have to.

  • Nick talks to Opie and Carl about their crazy time last night with booze, weed, and BBQ.
  • Opie is shocked at the preparation and planning these chefs put into their livelihood.
  • Fox Bros BBQ sits down to answer mundane questions and make fun of Opie and Carl.
  • Master Grillmaster Carl argues with the brothers that they’re cooking their meat wrong.
  • Opie asks David Knight for an interview. He laughs and thinks they’re playing a joke.
  • Sam Jones talks about whole-pig BBQ. Opie jumps in to ask him about fruit-flavored beers.
  • He sings some impromptu country for them. It reminds Carl of his ongoing divorce.
  • “Better than a Staten Island douche belting ‘Don’t Stop Believin’ karaoke” – Shots Fired Opie.
  • Carl and Opie heckle a television crew for preparing before they start recording the festival.
  • Bipolar Opie makes fun of David Lee Roth before saying how much he loves David Lee Roth.
  • Nick interjects to complain about Opie and Carl asking BBQ pit masters stupid questions.
  • The Rednecks invite Carl to come to Alabama to talk dirty to strippers over the CB radio.
  • Sam, Pat, Billy and other nobodies trade super hilarious and witty jabs about each other’s BBQ.
  • Opie and Carl ask Billy about his food truck getting stolen and the police throwing his food out.
  • Pat decides to close out the show because Opie doesn’t know when to stop recording.

Best Moment: Opie taking a pretty funny shot at his alcoholic tone-deaf former co-host.

Worst Moment: The BBQ nobodies dragging out an uninteresting story for 25 minutes.

Overall: WeGetIgnoredByCelebsAndOurCareersNosediveButACountryBoyCanSurvive/10


What’s got ya laughin’ today?!

Guess I forgot to laugh

No, you got some thiiiiiings cookin'.... got some thing...



Got a nigga's ribs hurtin' today.

Thanks for doing these. Because of you i've never listened to any of Opie's podcasts brotherman!

“Better than a Staten Island douche belting ‘Don’t Stop Believin’ karaoke”


It's funny enough that I refuse to believe he came up with it on the spot.

0pie's been known to be funny from time to time when he's being vindictive.

He should be vindictive more often. Has plenty of reasons and material.

One of the comedians (maybe Vos or Bobby) pointed out that Opie's only shtick was being vindictive and mean, and that occasionally it ended up being funny.

The worst moment, in my opinion, was Opie and Carl fake laughing uproariously for old dirty jokes you’ve heard told before, but never this badly. And then bemoaning the fact that “the art of telling jokes is dead”.

They acted like nobody had ever heard the “nobody calls me Bill the bridge maker, nobody calls me Bill the piano player, but....you suck ONE cock” joke before. I’ve probably heard Jim or Anthony tell or reference that joke at least three times on O&A alone.

You’re really going above and beyond here. I never expected you’d make it past 10 episodes.

he brings up fruity beverages AGAIN? every fucking time whats the deal?

He's a fag. And I remember him busting erocks balls when he first said he liked that stupid fucking grapefruit beer.

Look, its nice that you are doing this, but think about yourself and your mental health first

He's gonna end up like Danny.

"Ya wanna know how I got these scars?"

Every single one of these is essentially the exact same rundown with very subtle modifications. What is this dope's obsession with beer and BBQ? Is he just letting Carl run the entire podcast? Opie has absolutely nothing to offer and it's getting more and more painfully obvious. This podcast won't last 6 months and I hope Opie gets fat.

You're absolutely right. Its a bit hack but i wouldn't mind a food one, a science one, a industry one. 0pie learning bout stuff and taking us with him. Well, i still wouldnt listen because he's a cunt. But seems like his only friend is a chef. And he's so terrified to do anything alone now he has a cookery show. Faggot.

This is Opie reinventing himself. He thinks he's a food guy now.

Fruit beer guy

What is this dope's obsession with beer and BBQ?

They're "guy" things, and Opie isn't a guy. So he just takes bits and pieces of generic Dad things, wraps them in a douchey frat boy delivery, and boom. Raqio gold.

They're popular things with guys now, exactly. It's big in Brooklyn. Opie spends 30 minutes of Google searching "what do human beings like"

I was honestly getting a little suspicious that these rundowns were simply OP guessing at what might have happened in each podcast. Not enough to check for myself though.

Has he ever done one of these alone? Or without that fatfuck carl?

No and Westwood One has yet to sell one advertiser spot so far. They're not ready to cut the cord on this, but the advertiser response to his show has been non-existant.

Where's Linenkeugals at?

Timestamp: final 1 minute. They jazzed up the “Street Fighting Man” theme song by adding a voice that says “brothaman brothaman.”

You guys will all hear it next episode, which has already gone viral with teaser pics of the Dream Team together again: Vic, Carl and Sherrod.

This is a new low for Opie. Whatever is BBQ southern redneck thing is. Not trying to be funny. Not trying to “bash” him because the board does. Not exaggerating in any way. This is so fucking bad I don’t know what to say.

I have confessed before, I still like all of these guys despite also hating them at the same time. I wanted his podcast to be good, at least passable, but it’s worse than I thought it would be. I tried listening couple of times to previous episodes and I just couldn’t. It’s terrible. There are elements that are at least more smoothly run than Ant’s show, or Jim’s. But that’s it. There is nothing else worthy of even the faintest of praise. If he would stop fake laughing, and have more interesting topics, and stop trying to be funny, he could put together a decent show. This just isn’t redeemable at all.

You guys, Nick Solares is the NYC food writer that got in trouble for singing racist songs as an 18 y/o.


I, for one, am outraged. #CancelOpie

Oh the horror. He was part of a punk rocker band 30 years ago. God forbid he review food 3 decades later.

This is no place for racism, sir. Down with Opie and his fascist friends.

Your still doing this?

Brave, brave......

What did he say about Nana?

“Better than a Staten Island douche belting ‘Don’t Stop Believin’ karaoke” – Shots Fired Opie.

When are the Stangels coming on?

Oof, you can just feel how boring this show is. Like I said about Jim and Sam, it's not even worth joking about. It's just a bunch of nothing. Opie thinks he's a food guy now. He thinks that's his thing. You know, with all of this food talk, why not bring back cronuts guy? This show is already the worst thing to happen to America. Might as well go for the finishing blow.

He is still hilarious...oh, wait, he never was.

Opie is shocked at the preparation and planning these chefs put into their livelihood.

Opie labors under the delusion that successful people simply show up and have someone else do the hard work and preparation for them.

Opie is shocked at the preparation and planning these chefs put into their livelihood.

Boy that's rich.

I was never a fan of OnA when they were on locations. Same with doing bits. My favorite episodes were when they had a few comics in and just bullshitted.

I’m ok with Opie when he has Carl, Vic and Sherod. It’s not like old school OnA, but listenable. Ant’s show is terrible, and Jim/Sam is worst thing on Sirius. This has made me more of a Opie fan than Nana or the Worm. Not that Opie himself is better, just his show as a whole was more entertaining. Now his podcast has been average at best. Still better than Jim/Sam, but no real direction.

What's sad is I can't even get through the full re-cap without completely losing interest. Godspeed, OP. We'll see you on the other side of insanity.

Sam Jones talks about whole-pig BBQ. Opie jumps in to ask him about fruit-flavored beers.

Ugh, is IPAs and fruit beer the only topics Opie thinks was 'good' with the fans so he decided to bring it up every single episode?

You don’t have to keep doing this

I'm worried for u/NateJay82 - he is not long for this world if he continues to endure this type of psychological torture.

I say he cracks by #21.

Is this a joke?

You're absolutely right. Its a bit hack but i wouldn't mind a food one, a science one, a industry one. 0pie learning bout stuff and taking us with him. Well, i still wouldnt listen because he's a cunt. But seems like his only friend is a chef. And he's so terrified to do anything alone now he has a cookery show. Faggot.

This is Opie reinventing himself. He thinks he's a food guy now.

He should be vindictive more often. Has plenty of reasons and material.

What is this dope's obsession with beer and BBQ?

They're "guy" things, and Opie isn't a guy. So he just takes bits and pieces of generic Dad things, wraps them in a douchey frat boy delivery, and boom. Raqio gold.

One of the comedians (maybe Vos or Bobby) pointed out that Opie's only shtick was being vindictive and mean, and that occasionally it ended up being funny.

I was honestly getting a little suspicious that these rundowns were simply OP guessing at what might have happened in each podcast. Not enough to check for myself though.

This is no place for racism, sir. Down with Opie and his fascist friends.