Where we at with the Steam Summer Sale that started today?

0  2018-06-21 by RoundImage4


whats on sale?

Loads of stuff. App is going slow probably due to traffic. I'm trying to get a look at the Fallout sales, only played part 4.

I go deep wit tha summer salessss... Hey Erock! Where we at wit tha Witch thr- uh, Witcher 3? uh yeah I FAAAWKIN looove that shit...

Probably gonna end up buying a lot of shit I'll never play, as usual.

Get Enter the Gungeon if you enjoy games like The Binding of Isaac.

I found gungeon a lot more enjoyable than isaac. Might be because I'm a console fag though

Same, I'm a dirty console peasant although I prefer PC mine is a potato. Gungeon doesn't fuck you like Isaac does with items and is more based on skill than RNG heavy.

All I know is, I have a 65" curved 4k monitor on my coffee table, and I'm going to play First Person Shooters with an XBox controller on my high-end gaming rig.

Also, I will not be buying any games where the NPCs are not white males.

Damn, that's a free game: https://www.humblebundle.com/