Did Anthony Cumia troll this sub with a photoshop that looked like a Tweet?

0  2018-06-21 by RoundImage4


Looked like a facebook post, stupid

Fuck me, then. I'm glad to have you around for social media and legal questions.

Do you like or dislike this unchosen entourage of white knighting unfuckables? Honest question.

I thought it was one of this sub's White Power Chapter members, because it seemed like a parody account from somebody who'd think to insult people by mentioning their heritage. If it was A.C., even better.

I'm just glad that my Daniel is alright.

regardless, no one on this sub is going to let Danny live it down

If it was a troll from somebody here to trigger Danny, it's fine for them to keep the bit going. Otherwise it's a real embarrassment for the people who consider this place to be a highly efficient trolling machine that could ruin people. Those people would be gullible geese with an overgrown sense of their own importance.

Anthony has always been a reliable news source - remember when Anthony outed Stinks as a male to female trans with AIDS.

If he trolled anyone, it's Dovid.

All Anthony did for us was hand over more material. Shame he doesn't have that much enthusiasm for his own show.