
12  2018-06-20 by Lufiel0423


I would trade the ethnostate to see Ant Cumia & Jon Stewart fight to the death.

Got 10 dollars on the Jew boy.

there isn't an angle from which that face doesn't look reptilian

A genealogy on the Cumias would be fascinating. Joe and Nana look alike yet nothing like either of their parents. My guess is Ro' had a long-term African American fuckbuddy who bred her like a prize bull at least twice, probably during the time Joe SR was pretending to be a cowboy in Cali.

An Italian who got killed by Vos at this roast.


They aren't people!

Sicilians... are spawned by niggers

This is true

Not even that Italian in this pic. He looks like the rotten corpse of Jimmy McNulty.