Amy Schumer presents: 5th fat Bobby Kelly!

4  2018-06-20 by peopleforgetthat


"Inside Amy Schumer"

More like "Amy Schumer Inside Bob Kelly"

Yeah or how bout Outside Amy Schmuer asumptin

I feel so bad for his kid. Dada will be dead within 5 years.

It’s his 5th fat? Does he get another one?

If someone doesn't know Bobby Kelly, will they really be impressed enough by his network credits to go see him?

Also, unrelated to the hate in this thread, but Bobby is amazing to see live.

He never came through on that promise to become sexy Bobby one last time.

What a fat freak. He looks like a fucking chooch.

I'm gonna say there's been only one fat with varying degrees.

5th and fatal

That photo has to be from 100 lbs ago

In which we hear him talk about his second stepdad again.

Divine takes a break for a photo op before going into make up