Remember, If you listen to J&S its same as saying this thing entertains me and i value his opinion

52  2018-06-20 by Der-Giftpilz


I have an extreme tolerance for bullshit, and even I can't listen to this shit anymore.

The avatar hair is all wrong it needs more pubes.

Proper term is Nigger wool

I thought it said Primate

Management likes the direction of the new show

leave it alone

Fucking jump already!!

Why I just love hearing how Jimmy cannot ask out a 20 y/o hostess and have to have men much younger than him tell him how to do it..

His mom definitely sewed that together for him.

I don't want Sam to die, wait, hear me out! I don't want him to die, but if he was severely burned by acid then I wouldn't be able to frown for a day or two.

The only thing that would stop my urge to choke this deformed subhuman is the strong desire to not touch his mutated body for any length of time.

That's got me HOWLING bruthaman!

He doesn't entertain me and I don't value his opinion. I'm just enormously relieved not to have to hear Opie anymore.

Sam's the worthless dork you want to ignore and maybe stuff into a locker. Opie's the type of person you feel an overwhelming urge to murder every couple of minutes. My stress level has gone way down since O&J ended.

Imagine wearing a shirt with your face on it completely unironically, while being a complete nobody.

If anyone ever bought Sam's merch they deserve to get it ruined by 50 cal bullets.

yeah or a big coffee stain!

I guess you have to get head from your overbearing mom on the reg to snag a nice jacket like that

I doubt anyone makes the connection between his cromagnon face and the twink he is wearing on his back.

damn i used to listen every day but i gave up on these idiots.. i mean if they are not even trying to put an entertaining show together then what's the point of listening, fucking middle of the road norton and non entertaining let em in sammy

That jacket looks like it was made at a beach. Fucking trash.