Isn’t wet brain pro abortion? What is trying to do here?

45  2018-06-19 by RBuddCumia


Ant is from the school of thought that if she's not on her period yet, he doesn't have to pay for an abortion

$75 and a ride.

His abortion stance is racially, and monetarily motivated. And I doubt he actually knew anything about the procedure before Gavin.

It’s not really that complicated

Ant is such a fool. Bringing up abortion is so pointless and it has nothing to do with immigration.

Niggers get the most abortions so it's not all bad. The problem is that Mexicans are Catholic usually so they don't get abortions and they shit out like 6 kids each. It's better to stop the little spics at the border. totally relates to immigration.

He is going for a joke, like in the olden days.

He's in full pander mode these days.

if thats what the subscribers believe then he is happy to believe it too

Ant, like all his standards, is against abortion unless it applies to him.

If Ant got someone like Dani pregnant, he wouldn't care if the method of abortion was cutting the infant's head off after birth.

Ah, yes, The Tunisian Mistake!

I get the feeling he’s paid underage girls a generous sum to take care of a “problem” at least once or twice.

Please. That drunk old fool has no potency to his seed. Years of alcoholism and fear-rage for black ppl has left his ejaculate watery and infertile.

when he cums it's like when you try to put mustard on your burger but you get that dribble of juice instead.

Nana only cums from having his anus penetrated by tranny cock

I get the feeling that he tells his poker buddies and hangers-on that, but I also get the feeling that he’s never ejaculated inside a biological woman.

I wish Ro woulda gotten one of those. Actually, two.

Nice of you to give Dawn a pass

Didn't he do a bit in character as Richard Nixon joking about using Hoover vacuums, Cuisinart blenders, and even the Washington monument as tools to abort mix raced babies? I guess now to make a political point on twitter it's wrong.

The man who spent hours making fun of Connor Peterson, Andrea Yates, and the Heather Mills miscarriage feels that abortion is wrong? Lol. Also there’s no why he hasn’t wished most blacks were aborted.

I mean he also yelled verbatim "I love abortion" on several different occasions.

Isnt this the same guy who said that he doesnt care how many abortions a woman gets to patrice

Maybe he realized that every abortion is one less child available for him to rape 🤔

Sick burn! He used to be a shock jock. Now this is what he does... lol

He's Mr. Family Values these days.


That diagram is rather horrifying.

Of course its a white baby. The hand should have a Star of david braclet.

What, you expected him to have principles?

Is he supposed to be a school or something?

He is trying to pander to his nazi base

Oy vey! It's like annudah shoah!

I think he’s making the case that the left is hypocritical because they’re screaming about illegal Beaner children being “ripped from their family’s arms” whilst supporting abortion.

Ah man, I just found out he blocked me. I wonder what it was. He didn't even send me to obscurity :(

I thought he likes abortions, I’m confused

He stopped thinking for himself and went completely to the right.
Exactly the same as every liberal he cries about on twitter.

"I love abortions!"

Anthony Cumia, once upon a time.

He is pro abortion. He is just pointing out liberal hypocrisy pretending to care about kids. Also, he's pro hypocrisy...

I mean he also yelled verbatim "I love abortion" on several different occasions.

Maybe he realized that every abortion is one less child available for him to rape 🤔