Guys you would rather see in the audience than Anthony Cumia - 2/715

184  2018-06-19 by McGowan9


def a better joker

He also has a better grip on reality then soggy brain.

At least that guy can appreciate a movie made after 1994

At least this orange haired lunatic knew where his gun was.

I wish noted egg enthusiast and prop comedian James L. Norden was performing in Aurora, Colorado and felt the need to take in a movie that evening.

Fawk yeah, never want East Side Dave causing a big commotion. Remember when he was screeching "Radio War" and fighting with Creampie Jones, that was great...

First I shit, then I shut...shit and shut!

I disagree. I'd rather see Ant drunk making a fool of himself. This boob will just cockblock you.

Hey guys give him some credit. At least Ant actually got laid by underage girls.

Still gives better movie reviews than Anthony