Norton said on the show this week he'd never heard of this song or music video.

29  2018-06-19 by BoboOrbani55


He was too busy pulling the trigger on his.... Love Gun

Oh yeah great song. WHEE-OOOH I LOOK JUST LIKE BUD-DEE HOLL-LEE! Do ya? Hope you're killed in a plane crash then we'll see how much you look like Buddy Holly

  • Jim Norton, probably

Nah if that was him it wouldn't be funny like that.

Norton was 26 fucking years when this song and music video exploded.

Yeah, but he was a 26 year old who lived with his parents and was too busy fucking trannies and being obsessed with mediocre metal music to actually be a part of normal society. Jim's holier-than-thou take on music is only made worse because the stuff he likes sucks balls.

He also didn't know the One Headlight song when they were discussing children of musicians with success. It appears there is a large amount of blank spots during the 90s where he wasn't aware of anything going on.

on MTV......Radio didn't really play it. It's pathetic as fuck for a 26 year old to watch MTV

It was a top 40 hit on the rock and pop charts and it was packaged with every single install of Windows 95.

Nice knowledge of Billboard, stupid.

How old are you? Probably in your late 20's I'd guess.


So you are of the exact age range that weezer was marketed towards. Which explains why you think it's strange someone who was an adult at the time might not know who they are.

Norton was 26 when this song was big 25 years ago.

He was fortunate.

Jim peaked at 17 and has been stuck in a timeloop ever since.

I wish I could show you the clip but it's been blocked on every single video on youtube for copyright.

I like Weezer. But I'm also half a fruit who plays Nintendo so keep that in mind.


i havent either, this shit stinks.

Yup, it sure does.

Also Weezer wasn't this big, monolithic rock group that you'd have to be living under a bush in Siberia to not know who they are, they were a mediocre to bad music group that really never had any big hits other than that one video on MTV, radio HATED Weezer (because they sucked).

Look out guys, this ultra x-treme rocker dude is here to set the record straight on these Weezie pussies!!! WE HAD REAL SHIT LIKE I WNANA ROCK & ROLL & PARTY EVERY NIGH.

Fuck off to bed, Florentine.


I miss white music.

The worm is like Nana. He stopped listening to music during Kiss in the 70s

It's almost impossible to have been around in the 90s and not be aware of that song. The music video was on the Windows 95 disc ffs.

That little slug really has lived under a rock his entire adult life.

I think that might've been their other song The Good Life

Or just not watch MTV, which as someone in their 20's you really shouldn't be.

You're really trying to push this people in their 20s shouldn't watch MTV narrative huh

All that time in cars driving for hours back and forth to gigs in the 90's? There's literally no chance he hasn't heard the song at least 100+ times in his life.

He pretends to not know things because he likes for the attention to be on him. At least he doesn't do this bit every single day. He keeps it fresh. Good ole Jim 'in tune' Norton.

Not knowing who fucking garbage insta-nostalgia "we're stealing our whole aesthetic from the early 70's" Weezer is isn't some sort of failing or anything.

So if Jimmy ever did meet and settle down with a nice perverted and patient twenty-five year old girl, Weezer would be to her what someone like Jefferson Airplane would be to Jimmy...oldies rock. Yet in Jimmy's mind Weezer is "new shit that sucks", even though their first album is almost 25 years old. Interesting.

That was pretty fucking gay. Never heard of it till now either.
