No amount of Bud Light or fake laughter can hide the fact that Nana is everything that he hates in the world and no matter how hard he tries to self deny deep down he knows it

49  2018-06-19 by unclepaul84


He really is a Babylonian tormentor God. The youth eater that will lay waste to your offsprings pelvic region if your harvest is not bountiful

Pee soup

would that make Dani the Whore of Babylon?

Dani is a good egg. She played the game like any woman does and Ant fell in love with his friends daughter.

You can't blame a whore for playing a mark for a fool.

All the grease in his skin migrated up to his hair

Ant wants to see his mother so badly he's turning himself into an Italian grandmother 😪

A wasted life.

Amazing how bloated you can get with gallons of beer and using HGH in your 50s.

Needs more JPEG.


Needs more JPEG.


There you go!

I am a bot

Needs more JPEG.

Yep, he really is a gay nigger.

He can't even button his shirt he's so ashamed...

He looks like a California Raisin with pubes glued to the head.

Why does he have a jheri curl?

Still has its niche amongst African Americans.

Listening to that Demented World of Anthony Cumia thing, it's pretty jarring to hear all of Anthony's stories and a bunch of his race rants all in one shot. He's a horrible person that was funny for a few years on the radio. That's about as positive as you can describe him.

It may not be today, it may not be tomorrow, but one day there will be a video of him laughing so hard his dentures fall out

I dont know if its that he is everything he hates, or if his body and self esteem are just in shock from realizing how much money and social status he has lost for himself and he is so desperate to show the world he is unphased, something he could have used his big time radio job to do. Now he is just stuck in a world of miserable irrelevance, when the camera and green screen are off the fake laughter doesnt stop, it turns to tears

He’s starting to look like Joey Diaz.

Holy shit ants fucking Cuban

Cunts getting fat

That’s a nice looking second shirt tho

Fat lump of shit.

Jesus Anthony.

Needs more JPEG.


There you go!

I am a bot

Dani is a good egg. She played the game like any woman does and Ant fell in love with his friends daughter.