I have to give credit to Dave landau he is funnier than I thought he would be

0  2018-06-19 by RahShieWoo

He had one line "That girl looks like she was raped by 4 of her uncles in a kiddy pool". That was so messed up its funny.


of course its a joke about pedophilia he must fit right in at compound media

He stinks

Someone posted a podcast he did called burning bridges or something and he talked about having skits and stuff on compound media and that sounds like it would could be funny. Especially because you know its going to be based on their political views.


Yeah I know that guy. Used to come into discord a bunch - a northern irish guy called CreightonJK.

As for Landau's skits - he does some 'dugettit & dugettit' skit on twitter where he plays a lawyer. It's the worst, most unfunny creation since Tom Walker.

Dave's YT channel is filled with unfunny De Niro impressions. That being said, he is funny and sketches is what I expected four years ago. Had Ant given Gavin half the company, they could've built it up to where they'd be in a position to sign Million Dollar Extreme and cutting edge comedians instead of aging hacks.

TL,DR - I'm a fag.

I don't really think much of Dave tbf. He's not really made me laugh and any time I tuned in he's just placating ants old TV show thing as they 'HAHAHAHOLEESHIT' each other. Ant really should have done that tbf. Gavin had clout with another entire world compound could have tapped into. I don't think any MDE thing would have ever materialised but you never know. Could have at least saw Hyde Wars there maybe.

Had Ant given Gavin half the company

was there really a potential for that that was missed? it's such a bummer to see Gavin go to that alt light safe faggot Crowder

Gavin is alt-light; Crowder is straight Israel shill. The guy didn't even defend Rosanne. But he's pretty funny. https://youtu.be/m1H_5TdxUTc I don't really watch him but he makes good content.

can't watch him. even before i knew his name or had evidence about how much of a cuckservative he was i could sense it from a few moments of watching him

unlike Crowder, one gets the sense that Gavin is alt lite for expedience but in his inner thoughts is quite aware of the racial question

That was a comedy sketch. He has a quality show, but he's a church camp kid.

That Hitler joke is bound to cost me my Panera promotion.

You mentioned the word 'joke'. Here is one about Chuck Norris:

The last thing you hear before Chuck Norris gives you a roundhouse kick? No one knows because dead men tell no tales.

At this point I define everyone as pro-America, or Democrat commie.

I like him. He's a way better cohost than Artie.

Hi Keith

I get it for free.

I still don't listen.

Landau sucks, TACS sucks, long live Kevin Brennan

Gavin is alt-light; Crowder is straight Israel shill. The guy didn't even defend Rosanne. But he's pretty funny. https://youtu.be/m1H_5TdxUTc I don't really watch him but he makes good content.

At this point I define everyone as pro-America, or Democrat commie.

That was a comedy sketch. He has a quality show, but he's a church camp kid.