Jay Oakerson mentioned getting a hooker with another comedian in Niagra Falls but will not say who.

5  2018-06-19 by frunkiz482

I love both of them, but don't look up who he was at Seneca Casino with in 2017. He had a bad week so far already.


huh, idk.

anywho, how about this guy getting punched by a lady?

wait.. what??? Who??

Does this make me literal or you literal? I'm lost in the layers of sarcasm and autism

r/opieandanthony is a contemporary take on "the hedgehog's dilemma"

Poor little mug had a serious problem

Also could have been a feature/middle. Nick does not seem like the type at all.

Fair enough. But that is a fun assumption. It's a slow time for this reddit page

Where did he say that?

Bonfire today

I’m pretty sure it’s the same story he told on skanks a few years back and said it was Kevin Hart. I guess since Kevin got busted cheating on his wife he stopped mentioning his name in the story.

I just heard the story. Positive it was Kevin Hart, same story he told on LOS, just less detail. He said Hart has a giant dick almost down to his knees because he is so short.


id assume it was Rob Mailloux, hes opened for him alot.

He told a story on bonfire the other day about a hooker that a friend of his fucked so good she gave him her personal number and said to call her sometime. He said he couldn’t say who the friend was but told the same storie a few years back on skanks and it was Kevin Hart

r/opieandanthony is a contemporary take on "the hedgehog's dilemma"