Remember how Ant talked with disgust about loud blacks at movie theaters?

12  2018-06-19 by RBuddCumia

“Yeah? And then she blew me!”


I like going to see movies with your blacks.

I choose what type and day and time of day based on the movie.

I have never had a more fun time than watching the matinee of Django Unchained with a theater full of old white people. You should have heard how loudly old white ladies laughed when Django shot that old white lady.

Meanwhile any scary movie is better at a late night black theater. Experience is highly enhanced.

To expand: I saw Freddy vs. Jason with a black audience, and Get Out with old white folks.

To further pontificate: this is the only way to see movies. Always on $6 tuesday. But you choose the neighborhood and time of day. These things are in your power. I know you will make me proud.

How did the white react process Get Out?

This just in: Anthony Cumia behaves like an African American, which makes his outspoken racism extremely ironic.