Anybody remember benjamin72?

4  2018-06-19 by Compound_MediaPR

Who's an OG?


I do. Was a lurker back when this place had fans of Opie Anthony and Jim.

I miss his 500 alt accounts

I banned over 70 of them. Maybe 72. If that's the case, he's even more awesome than I thought.

He literally was what this sub has become 4 years later personified.

He could constantly harp on Anthony's heart attack with the best of them.

Was he that guy that addressed everyone as "sir"?

Precisely, sir.

Is that what it takes to be an oldfag around here? I think ol' Ben was around after PhillyCrewBot got the axe.

I used to be LizardKingRumsfeld until I forgot my password.

That's how we do it!

I miss PhillyCrewBot.

What's his current account?

You seem confused

For the retarded - That was his go-to line

I have been searching for him for nearly 2 years with only one response that i could verify was him. I miss you benjamin72! I know you are reading this! I know you still lurk!

He literally was what this sub has become 4 years later personified.

He could constantly harp on Anthony's heart attack with the best of them.