Opie was so angry at an intern for saying caddying is easy that he challenged him to a skating competition.

15  2018-06-19 by Jackthejew



Thanks for providing everyone with a timestamp we didn't ask for, for a bit no one cares about, on a radio show that doesn't exist anymore.


I think that might be peak Opie

16 hours a day at 13-years-old?

What golf club set was ever 80lbs?

this was Opie at the club https://youtu.be/TPxiXGr9nFM?t=54s

At the absolute maximum a set of golf clubs weighs 50 pounds.

Most carry bags weigh at MAXIMUM 10lbs. Average is like 5lbs. A set of clubs is between 12 and 14lbs, and Opie is a tremendous retard.

To be far to tit's, I also was a caddy and also had tits as a young boy. Some of the cart bags that these rich fucks had were pretty heavy, but my judgment of that is skewed by my former fatness.

Al Cervix