Now this faggot is going to dress up as Stevie Ray Vaughn.

19  2018-06-18 by RBuddCumia


He's gonna get the papers. Get the papers. I hope SRV's estate sends him a cease and desist if he tries to cosplay SRV for money.

The papers = his weekly allowance

We heard you Joe

Despite two claims to the contrary, Joe spending Anthony's money on a stupid guitar can potentially be neither epic nor hilarious.

Cunt doesn't even buy American. Fucking traitor.


It will be neither, faggot. It will be neither, faggot.

Its great the kind of crap you can spend money on when its not coming from your own bank account.

I was waiting for this to get posted :). The grossest thing is his side fat, the man has the body of a Shar Pei.

I hope that neck warps and he dies of aids.

I like how Pat from Moonachie is in the chat

why did he feel the need to live stream himself opening this, who would wanna see that?

Because unboxing videos rule

I watched that entire video expecting him to cut himself since he has no business handling weapons. Disappointed.

thanks, I started watching for same reason and saw your comment.

It's tape

The only reason I want Joe to start an SRV cosplay is for the helicopter ride after the show.

I know this is a bit finicky, but was anyone else annoyed that this dumb fucking wop was using a steak knife to to open the package instead of a utility knife. Stupid nigger

With any luck he’ll catch SARS from the Chinese packaging and die after his next meal.

I'd tune into Guilt By Association to watch that.

Let the old fart have some fun. He's not insulting blacks or whining on twitter with this post.

Allowance from Anthony won't even buy a Fender? Times are lean at the McMansion

Good. Maybe now Ant can buy him some helicopter rides.

Nice repetition, stupid.

I own two Chinese guitars, and they are not epic or hilarious in anyway. They are middle of the road guitars that sound pretty decent. What a turd Joe is.

Joe really needs to drive into oncoming traffic, oncoming traffic.

They called him Joey two times because he said everything twice, like "I'm not a pedophile, your honour, I'm not a pedophile, your honour."


thanks, I started watching for same reason and saw your comment.