Opie Podcast Episode #14 - Play-By-Play Analysis

92  2018-06-18 by NateJay82

Episode #14 – The Big Apple BBQ: Part One (Carl Ruiz & A Bunch of BBQ Rednecks). June 18 2018. Listening to every episode so you don’t have to.

  • Carl has completely taken over Opie’s show and turned it into a Food Network podcast.
  • The Rednecks and Carl take turns calling Opie an idiot and a homosexual.
  • Father & Daughter Redneck tell boring stories about doing business with a New Jersey Jew.
  • Opie’s podcast equipment breaks 20 minutes in so he starts recording on his smartphone.
  • He complains about smarmy ignorant New Yorkers before asking if southerners eat roadkill.
  • “Yeehaw I sure do love chattin with them real bonafide southerners y’all” – Sheriff Opie
  • Carl talks about more boring food history. Opie jumps in to talk about grapefruit beer.
  • None of the booths want Opie to interview them so he talks to a random event organizer.
  • Opie romanticizes small town southern life while wondering where the nearest Starbucks is.
  • Daughter Redneck tells unfunny stories. Father rambles incoherently about philosophy.
  • They ask about the history of Father Redneck’s BBQ company. Nobody can understand him.
  • Opie tells the audience to look at and smell the food they obviously cannot see or smell.
  • Father Redneck talks about noodling catfish. Opie pretends to be interested to kill time.
  • Redneck jokes. Chewing into the microphone. Talking about food on an audio show. Repeat.
  • Black Redneck and Lawyer Redneck plug their products. This crazy party will be continued.

Best Moment: Various rednecks appearing and making fun of Opie within seconds of meeting him.

Worst Moment: Opie not being able to take calls to cut off Father Redneck’s never-ending incoherent rambling.

Overall: OnceUponATimeInTheUpperWest/10


I really look forward to these. Saves me over an hour of my life.

A shotgun would save us from the rest of your life.

C'mon...I am as god made me, sir.

Just Bourdain yourself, you know you want too..

Nice spelling, stupid.

Toe attachment?

"Carl has completely taken over Opie’s show and turned it into a Food Network podcast."

this shit is hilarious. opie is such a dull human. he has absolutely zero hobbies or interests that he’s knowledgeable enough to talk about for longer than a few minutes. he’s a pretend person who wants to be perceived as this cool laid back 50 year frat guy who knows a lot about beers or something.

He wants to be the old veteran at a Grateful Dead show.

The Opester did a little mushrooms. Just a taste...

a little sniff?

He'd talk about dropping acid every show but it would really just be him bothering people for freebies until somebody tears up some construction paper to give to him.

All in with the Dark Star.

He likes long walks on the beach to find a good spot to take a shit, which is still the least offensive thing he leaves in the sand


Hey bro did you know that Opie doesn't like IPA's and prefers grapefruit beers?

I can see a food channel giving Opie and Carl a show. Imagine the beneath-the-surface anger that will fester in Cumia the Obscure.


Doing God's work, sir. I wish I had your level of autism.

Dude you’re gonna get CTE if you keep this up and nobody here will contribute to your medical bills. You know that right?

Geez, you can read the show getting duller.

What's the problem? Sounds like radio gold to me. Didn't you know Opie is exposing the truth. When he speaks, the ratings follow.

wtf kind of headline is this?


What does this even mean?

This marks the return of wildly-popular Gregg “Opie” Hughes after a mysterious exit from his last gig.

"mysterious exit" eh?

He's reprehensible

"Opie Radio will feature Opie hitting the streets and podcasting from surprise locations with his famous friends, including Carl Ruiz from the Food Network, comedians Vic Henley and Sherrod Small, and many more."

Fucking lol

He complains about smarmy ignorant New Yorkers before asking if southerners eat roadkill.

Duuuuuude you coming here being a shmarmy.

Can you, at the very least, warn us before you snap? I don't want to get run over watching fireworks because Opie caused you to have a psychotic episode.

Unless he runs over my couch, fridge, or toilet, I should be fine.

did borderline personality opie get all southerny sounding with these people?

Opie review, exhibit 14 - chronology of a disingenuous listener's decaying mental state as it succumbs to an existence of pure mental anguish.

These recaps will be primary sources in a study on the correlation between bad radio and the breakdown on the human psyche.

The Rednecks and Carl take turns calling Opie an idiot and a homosexual.

does he respond in that shrilly defensive high pitched tone?


ugh, you really are a masochist. thank you for your service.

"Yo Ger!"

WHEN IS JUDY GOLD GOING TO BE ON?!? The Brotherman Army is getting restless.

Maybe it was because she was at the Vos roast. Lotta problems in that room.

Better yet, when will Esther Ku be on ?

That sounds like a good time

Sweet fancy moses. This was “Part One”?

Do you limit gems like this to one episode?

How does Opie allow Carl to take shots at him meanwhile when Otto or Vos does it Opie gets all pissy?

Opie had more power and options then. If Carl walked, there's almost no one left.

If Carl left, we would be a week away from his wandering the streets harassing homeless people on video again.

Let's hope he picks the wrong people to mess with. I'd watch that.

He would finally go viral

Carl is Tits' Last Chance Saloon.

More than that, Carl is the "star", and it seems like he's the one who provides 95% of the content/show........ideas?

One of the most pitiful things, and it's impossible to catalogue the number of pitiful things at work here, is that Tits would have gotten "into" whatever his last brothaman standing was into.

Had Carl been into cars, they'd be at a car show.

Tits is the "I dunno; what do you wanna do?" dipshit of broadcasting.

Opie found Anthony, so Opie probably things he is going to find another radio partner

So what are you drinking while you listen to this horseshit?

Tim Sabean is killing that company.

Hate me Please but seriously i'd rather listen to the Food stories than Ant and Landau babble about nothing or Jim the Uneducated fool babbling about nothing.
Carl > Ant and Opie > Landau. Jimmy = Faggot!

O&A spend years making fun of Morning Zoo Radio, yet now I know why it exists:

I'd rather listen to stupid sound effects and "weird news" than listen to anything that Opie or Anthony have to say in 2018.

they all suck and have for a long time

I made it four minutes. It was basically like listening to people make small talk at a bar in Arkansas.

opie's podcast is best enjoyed in text summary bulletpoint form

None of the booths want Opie to interview them

famous radio star folks

I cant even get through reading the synopsis of the show without wanting to put a shotgun in my mouth.

Fire Opie and make it Carl's podcast, and I might actually listen. He's a disgusting degenerate, but he at least has a personality.

Do you get paid to listen to this? I feel bad for you. You are like a single, white trash MILF giving BJs when they get home from work to buy their kid a Playstation for Christmas.