Cool shoes bro

4  2018-06-18 by Dennyislife


must be a nurse.

Nice legs, actually.

Just get a pair of giant clown shoes you fucking freak, they'd suit you better.

Those look like Joe's discount Spalding's if they were melting.

No socks

Guess you can never sell those ever again.

How bad do you think his feet stink after wearing those all day? Disgusting.

So awful

Only a nigger would wear a shoe like that and look like less of a fool.

user reports:

3: Hate

2: racial discrimination

1: hate

1: race discrimination

Am I being stalked that messages I made weeks ago are being reported?

Not you personally, although a lot are yours. Apparently, there are people looking for key words - regardless of context - and reporting everything for hate speech.

Official footware of glory hole stalls everywhere.

Those look like something I'd scrub dishes with