REMINDER: Troy Quan (crook nose flabby titted moron) is sick of Neil Degrasse Tyson (accomplished astro physicist)

11  2018-06-18 by JimNortonUnfunnyFag


A lot of people are sick of holier-than-thou, repeat-joke-making black science man.

"PCP has a mechanical taste." - Troy Quan (professional dummy)

That Tyson faggot is no better than Bill Nye get off his nuts retard

We aren't talking politics. We're talking about someone who has the IQ of a pool noodle VS someone with a PHD in physics. Stop being a dumb fucking moron. Bill Nye is a cunt compared to this guy. Love or hate Tyson, he's a better man for ignoring Troy during after show photos. Troy is a dumb fag. Are you going to argue that Troy isn't a dumb fag?

He's hilarious: Quan & Bran would be a huge hit. IDC about Tyson bc I'd rather watch the original Carl Sagan Cosmos again then some PC nonsense. It's fascinating to watch old shit and compare it to modern multicultural global horse shit.

It's people who will dismiss science and a scholar who let their kids get Smallpox in 2018. It's literally morons like Troy.


Who the fuck mentioned politics you dumb nigger? Can you read?

You got mad. HAHAHAHA!!!! Fag.

You’ve got mental issues faggot. The word politics never came out of my mouth nigger boy

He's not an accomplished astro-physicist he's a science communicator and does it at a level any undergraduate with speaking skills could. He's had minor roles in a handful of actual publications in his field. Fuck Troy Quan though.

Yes he is stupid. You have not and will not, because you're stupid, read any of these books. If you had, you would see the man's brilliance. You're too stoned to get to page 10 though. I get it.

Death by Black Hole and Other Cosmic Quandaries and The Pluto Files: The Rise and Fall of America's Favorite Planet.

At least Troy can pronounce water correctly

Troy thinks something tastes 'mechanical'. Troy is barely not retarded. BARELY. He also thinks UFOs are aliens because he's a simpleton. Fuck NDT's smarmy attitude, but he's 100% of a better man than Troy will ever be. Also that Coco song is tired as fuck. I know it's you, Troy. You fat fag.


Can somebody link me out fill me in on what the fuck happened to troys tits?