Nick Dipolo is taking the girl who hit him to court

0  2018-06-18 by Dennyislife

What a little baby.


Pressing charges is for pussies


but this chick needs to learn to keep her hands to herself

Nicks jew lawyers will teach her that lesson

I agree with him. Fuck this cunt who thinks she can hit him because she's an offended woman.

Why wouldn't he??

Because it's a bitch move

He cant hit her back but he can make her go thru litigation and get probation etc. Id do that if a strange woman hit me too. Seen not heard, cunt.

He's a man? He's running to tell teacher.

When, who, why?

Last night. Some girl at his gig with her dad. Check his Twitter. She has a good punch on her.

Man, getting assaulted while sober and not holding any contraband and/or concealed weapons you will lose your permit for really opens up those options.

Omertà more like LOLmerta amirite

quota The Godfather some more, stupid!

more fodder to help get us through to oct.

Good. Fuck her.

taking her to court as in suing? Or merely filed a complaint with the police (people don't get to decide whether or not to "press charges")? In either case, way to massively compound your humiliation, stupid.


You cant really take someone to civil for a punch in the face you blithering idiot

Rat, fucking Italians are rats.


You cant really take someone to civil for a punch in the face you blithering idiot