wheres the fucking link to the vos roast? theres a pic of someones twitter and a livestream link thats down and im being told its there. There is no youtube video named, "washed up comics beat a dead horse"

1  2018-06-18 by CONCHOPETEghostcock


this nigga is retarded seriously no one tell him


get a job

Psst it's not really Danny.

i found it.

im going to get youtube to remove it because of you

Why don't you come back here and shut up?

Who the fuck is Vos?

What is a Vos?

Sounds like the substance gay people scrape out of their ass the next day, a wicked combo of semen, lube and shit.

Some guy who trades his ethnic nepotism to live all fancy like in a semi-detached in Jersey!

I had it myyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy wayyyyyy

Here is the roast, Bobby & Jay are fat, Jim is gay, Florentine's girl cheated with a cop, Derosa & Gomez are nobodies, Colin is washed up, Judy is a giant dyke Bonnie is fuckable but gross for being with Vos, and Rich is a deaf, dumb dolt.

damn even that one got deleted


get a job

i found it.

im going to get youtube to remove it because of you