So i suppose the vos roast was taken down. Was it any good?

0  2018-06-18 by CONCHOPETEghostcock


Third post down stupid.

Nope. Broken link

It's still there, and the roast was great.

I see a tweet with a title Youtube doesnt have

YouTube link appears to working fine

Why do i suck at everything?

I thought it was good. Judy Gold was fucking terrible but I guess her screaming at the crowd after every joke for not laughing was something.

Anthony made drunk, Tony Clifton style idiot of himself. Heckled about fucking Vos's daughter and pissed him off at the end. Vos basically called him a pedophile and ended it with an annoyed "Your turn!". It kind of seems like nobody respects him. People were rolling their eyes at him.

YouTube link appears to working fine