Guys and girl, I got it...

9  2018-06-17 by DrSamNeill

Having exhausted all options, opester’s going the Tommy Wiseau/Neil Breen road to up his numbahs. It explains the delusional podcast, the what-reality-are-you-currently-experiencing tweets and his “lawsuit.”


Neil Breen saved the LV strip with his multiple mid-range laptop setup, you quisling. How can cackling flag-burner Hughes compare?

Mr. House saved The Strip, friend.

Listen, pal, I'm an American! I love this country! My country!

If you look closely, enhance, enhance, and enhance, you can see that his laptops were non operational the whole time. A lot of people don’t know that.

Everybody betray ME:. I fed up with this world.

post-headshot sniffing and high-octave keening plea that distorts all

How many medals does he have Rich?!