Has Anthony commented about how a bunch of little Mexicans beat his superior Aryan raced brothers in the World Cup?

2  2018-06-17 by Martillo_Valentine


The only sports Ant cares about is e sports. Mostly to have something to talk to nerdy 17 year old girls about.

Hes Italian you fuck mook. That makes him black.

  • for “mook” use. We cannot let the ancient languages die

You know that when he looks in the mirror he sees a 6'4" blonde haired blue eyed man.

That's what Jimmy sees too but he's standing behind him.

Haha. When he looks in the mirror he's sees Ivan Drago

He thinks whites are invented everything and therefore are superior in every aspect of life. He’s a delusional CUNT.

I’m 87% Scandinavian and the rest German or something. I’m Aryan. I have brown eyes. I’m not a good aryan.

It even was a deserved win by Mexico