I, Hypocrite brings up Man-Bonnie bombing

1  2018-06-17 by Single_Action_Army


Self-described 'Student of Comedy' doesn't know who Rich Vos or Bonnie MacFarlane are. I wish I didn't know who she was but come on.

Rich who?

Richard Macfarlane

Yuck, all jokes aside. Bonnie Mcfarlane is pretty funny, and also successful.

More successful than she should be, definitely.

A townhouse in central jersey?

Remember that time she said Cunt in Last Comic Standing and everyone freaked out? She’s like Lenny Bruce if he had a twat.

It was an ill-conceived idea from the start. Bonnie doesn't have a butch enough voice to ever pass for being a man, therefore the audience can never get past wondering if the person on stage is a dude or not. This leads to a gigantic distraction that is not present in a regular man's set or Bonnie's set. Add to that the fact that Bonnie typically goes into a very female high register whenever she's doing well (not present here) and you have a perfect recipe for a dumpster fire, regardless of content.

Also the content was terrible.

Why wouldn't you just post Nerkish's video? At least Nerkish is actually funny. And there is no way this idiot skepticfag has ever done standup. He made no attempt at humor in a 15 min. video about a dumb, unfunny, bitch. And he sounds autistic. I've done standup, and you can tell because my videos actually attempt to get laughs. 2 minute example. https://youtu.be/VBrPH6gYpH8