Everyone here is too poor to afford the Rich Vos Roast™, You're all gonna say "fuck giving that cunt Bonnie any money" but you know its true

0  2018-06-17 by MessyCoffeeFarts

Anyone got a pirate link though?


What do you take me for, Danny Ross? I assure you I can afford to buy all the hotdogs and rich vos roasts as I could ever need.

I'm too poor AND I don't want to give money to that cunt Bonnie.

Bill’s not broke and he never will be!

Bonnie has always been awful, but now she’s an empowered cuntlump

Hard pass nigga

I already donate to the Canadian Retard Sibling fund

I don’t even care enough to watch a pirated version. Roasts were only sometimes funny back in 2007 but completely boring now.


Only pederasts enjoy roasts. Pre-written insults are the weakest form of entertainment

So if you saw the intro with Vos 'midgeting it up' on a park bench designed for adults, would you pay for the rest?