Which O&A member are you hoping to pass first?

19  2018-06-17 by Strity123

I know this is going to sound horrible to those of you that aren’t monsters but which one are you hoping to go?

I personally find Jimmy’s a huge fucking faggot. At least, Ant is still angry and bitter. Opie bullied countless retards over the years and is probably the most sociopathic one.

So I choose Jim. What about you?


Jim. No contest

probably roland for being a snitch and getting the opester fired. westwood one rules but it's only twice a week so I do admit I miss the show being on the little doggie company.

I assume you cancelled your Sirius package out of solidarity when Opie was fired, Pat, but do you ever miss the other content on the platform and get tempted to do a free trial? Or is your loyalty so strong that the whole little doggie company is dead to you now?

Who would cancel? They still have Jim and Sam.

yes I canceled and told little doggie customer service to slip in a puddle of aids. I download the jim and sam show whenever they have wrestlers on as guests but other than that I don't listen to those backstabbers.

I hear ya brothaman! Good luck with the continued weight loss, and stay strong during this BBQ season!

Check out their shows when they have pornstars on. Radio gold

I love you, PatBattle. O&A Party Rock 2019

I love you both

The Destroyer will settle this score personally. Trust me.

He wasn't the problem, in the end.

Jim. He is so Ignorant and Conceited and approaching SJW level with his PC comments and that is a horrible combination. Ant needs to continue to fund Geno, Aaron and KBren! Carl is lost without the Opster.

I agree, Opie last. Opie has people who probably genuinely love him in his life.

God damn it, why’d you have to say that...

I see what he's getting at. He wants the loving ones to go first so Opie has to live without them. That's pretty sick and going a little too far, but hey that's what this place brings ya.

Instinctively Anthony, but only when he's in prison once and for all


All of them in a concert fire watching great white


I'm not hoping for anyone to die. I'm hoping for prison time for crimes against children and maybe a new strain of herpes that is aggressive and painful

I respectfully disagree.

If Jim gets a painful disease it will just cause him to constantly complain about it. He’ll never retire, he can never be fired, and every single day he will get on the radio and complain about the painful sores on his cunt.

I’d love for Jim to die too, but our primary objective is to shut him up for good. Jimmy needs to die.

Here’s hoping anthony dies in a car wreck, Jim suffers a slow death from AIDs, and the Opster lives a long fulfilling life


Sam murder suicide with Games Nordgren is the correct answer.

I guess we could hope he follows the footsteps of his idol Chris Benoit

Sam likely to have an early stroke because he doesn’t know how to eat any nutritional food and does no physical activity.

No question. Even Opie did one good thing by putting Ant on the radio. Sam is a twisted monkey who has never done a single worthwhile thing in his life. His mother should have smothered him as a baby.

I hope Beavis lives forever.

Beavis’s final treat for being a good boy will be getting to eat Ant’s face after he dies alone and isn’t found until the neighbors 50 yards away start to smell something.

poor lil' fellar.

Pretty sure Big A lives in his house now, so whenever he comes out of hibernation he's going to wear Ant's face like a /u/clayformer product.

Mmmm....dark meat

Beavis is a good kitty and deserves to be adopted by someone completely unlike Anthony: a selfless, sincere, funny, sober, Anglo-Saxon who is married to an adult woman.

Sam..., but he isn't a choice, so I say Jimmy. For all the reasons everyone else has said.

Jim, I want to remember him as he was before he really goes downhill.

I like seeing Opie suffer. Ant is where he belongs and he's doing whatever.

Hes not already down hill to you?

Of course, but it can get worse

Opie. Dude is a piece of shit and a bully, and his loved ones are better off with his life insurance payout than having him as a father/husband/whatever. I hope his funeral is boring and poorly attended.

ME: Loooooossssssssssseeeeeeerrr

Both of the Opies at the same exact moment. I would likely spontaneously ejaculate into my boxer briefs.

I hate Sam the most, but Jim's future doesn't look good. It would be an act of mercy for him to die first. He's also the one who would most likely commit suicide.

I hope they finally have a big reunion show and there is a terrorist attack that kills all of them simultaneously right before it starts.

Absolutely Jim. Hopefully slowly and embarrassingly.

I think Anthony is the most deserving but would root for Jim to throw himself out his window for my own amusement.

Nice phrasing. Are we all on the fucking highway together?

Stupidity strikes again on r/O&A

Highway to Heaven?

Does SAMCRO count? I want to listen to his gutless faggot brother release the decades of pent up anger against him and his parasitism.

I bet when Ant dies Keith is going to have a lot of hard drives to dispose of.

I don't pray for death nigga, cause they ain'ts no coming backs from dat.

Jim - because he has the best chance of not failing in entertainment. With Jim would go some connections. I want them all to disappear out of the public eye, so I can finally have some peace of mind.


We have known for years that Opie was an unfunny asshole and that Ant was Long Island trash. None of this was ever secret.

Jim is such a spineless fuck it's infuriating. Him being as uninteresting as he's become along with the fake MMA fandom and grasping onto whatever is popular in a desperate attempt at an even modest amount of fame is truly pathetic. Blocking friends on twitter and holding grudges because people can't/won't appear on his cringey Chip show is a worse sin to me than drunk Anthony doing a jig on Dani's malnourished hands.

I respectfully disagree.

If Jim gets a painful disease it will just cause him to constantly complain about it. He’ll never retire, he can never be fired, and every single day he will get on the radio and complain about the painful sores on his cunt.

I’d love for Jim to die too, but our primary objective is to shut him up for good. Jimmy needs to die.