Is there anyone who isn’t gay in the O&A universe?

83  2018-06-17 by RBuddCumia



Sam’s looking at his calf

yeah, but where's his left hand?

Tugging on his peckah


yes. he's playing with himself over that man's calf.

Fuck, sam must be cumming with wrestling and kanye sneaker talk at the same time.

Even with this shit quality photo, that fucking vein on the side of his head is casting a shadow.

How do you know those are Kanye shoes fella?

I'd imagine that's what he jerks off to.

Are you sure that's a vein and not the shape of his cro magnon skull?

That's his forehead plate. His species used their foreheads much like a battering ram when competing for mates. Sam is the last one since there's no biological advantage for fighting over male sexual partners.

Chicken Tendies Man vs Beef and Broccoli Man.

I am questioning, not gay

Downvote this if Danny is gay.


He loves to get his fat ass pounded while he eats artisan foods. I think he's a legitimate homosexual

If he isn't gay now, he's going to have to learn to become gay because no woman would put his little pud in their mouths.

I don't think the most predatory and sex starved homosexual would touch Roland with a barge pole. They are a fairly picky bunch.

Don't these shows have a wardrobe department? Who the fuck would let Sam on national television wearing a shiny, bleeding red, knockoff Hugh Hefner robe and a fucking hot pink tie?

They should hire you to fill the gay quota.

I hear what you're saying, but you said the colors of his clothes clash which immediately makes me assume you're a homosexual. Not that there's anything wrong with that...

You're not incorrect but basic clothing sense - of which Sammy three shirts has none - says that's a bad idea.

At least he wasn't wearing a pink shirt or the cellar table BBQers will have a field day with that one

You could have just kept it simple there, Liberace. Your tie should always be a darker colour than your dress shirt.

Have you seen what wrestlers and wrestling fans wear? Not sure classy is their thing.

It’s the most genuine smile I have ever seen Sam make. I think he got a good rogering at the Super 8 from this guy, good for him.

Ronnie B. Because as he has said, Gay is the worst thing you can call a person.

Worthless Co-host dressed in something he found in a dumpster behind a Goodwill Store.


There's fan everywhere

Big A

Sam is whiter than white. He's translucent.

ol predator head

Good golly miss molly! Look at those kicks! Did you wait in line or bid on them online like meee?

Lady Di

No, it’s one massive circle jerk.

Bobo. They literally tested his dick.

Can you believe someone in this world bred with this fucking hideous excuse for a human.


sees reflection in monitor while comments page loads


Pat macafee?