Only morons in the 21st century complain about colonialism in the 17th-18th century.

31  2018-06-16 by Every1ShouldBKilled

Or fags.


Muslims are victims of white people because of the crusades :'( :'( :'(

Yeah but that wasn’t because of white people: it was all political DOGMA and fundamentalism.

Literally no one says this.

Who says this?


You forgot niggers with barely a child's understanding of history

They really are uninformed dunces. Haha

I have anecdotal examples of white people being really fucking stupid. In fact, your comment history is one example.

Does that mean all white people are as stupid as you?

You're swimming upstream given the obvious demographics of this sub but I respect your resilience kid

Well thank you kindly sir. Are you an ignorant dumbass as well?

I could have worked at NASA. I was a rock star at high school math and science if I'm being honest with you

Wow neat. What happened, booze?

I got caught up with the mafia. I'm not saying I was in the mafia but I knew some guys. It's not something I want to get into right now...

I’m still hilarious.

Delete delete delete

You can argue that European meddling is/was bad for places like the Middle East and Asia, but white people are the best thing that ever happened to Africans, and decolonialization has been a disaster for Africa. The departure of whites has turned a continent in which people can thrive and prosper into a place where productive assets like farms are seized and run into the ground, and a place where people are burned to death with tires around their necks on a regular basis.

Africa would be doing much better if they hadn't followed the self-pity Marxism of people like Frantz Fanon.

"We can't progress because of colonialism! Whites should stop meddling in Africa!" "Herro. Chinese peopre herp you." 20 years later "Fuck."

That chink is really hammering the black, you almost start feeling bad for'em

Damn, that chink was right though

People seem to forget the niggers and arabs killing and enslaving each other today.

And jews. Muh victims status

Reminds me of this

A very Cumia point, relevant.

this sub was better when these viewpoints were the norm instead of veiling gay/unfunny liberal ideas behind attacking the cumias

They're faggy morons. They're the only ones complaining and the shitty media likes to follow them around like their handlers, trying to make them look like they're in the majority.

Damn, that chink was right though